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Cohesive Strategy Goals and Performance Measures

Wildfire crosses and affects all lands and resources regardless of jurisdiction and ownership. Each responding organization has a role in working together to protect lives, property and resources. Concise, mutually accepted goals and guiding principles are the foundation of a cohesive strategy. Clear accountability will ultimately promote transparency and aid oversight during the implementation phase. These overarching, broad goals and performance measures will be used as a foundation as regional tasks and actions and performance measures are developed in Phase II and refined in Phase III.

Restore and Maintain Landscapes

GOAL: Landscapes across all jurisdictions are resilient to fire-related disturbances in accordance with management objectives.

Outcome-based Performance Measure:

  • Risk to landscapes is diminished.

National output-based metrics, in support of the national measure, will center on risk to ecosystems at landscape scales.

Fire Adapted Communities

GOAL: Human populations and infrastructure can withstand a wildfire without loss of life and property.

Outcome-based Performance Measure:

  • Risk of wildfire impacts to communities is diminished.
  • Individuals and communities accept and act upon their responsibility to prepare their properties for wildfire.
  • Jurisdictions assess level of risk and establish roles and responsibilities for mitigating both the threat and the consequences of wildfire.
  • Effectiveness of mitigation activities is monitored, collected and shared.

National output-based metrics will include indicators relevant to communities with mitigation plans and planned or completed treatments.

Wildfire Response

GOAL: All jurisdictions participate in making and implementing safe, effective, efficient risk-based wildfire management decisions.

Outcome-based Performance Measure:

  • Injuries and loss of life to the public and firefighters are diminished.
  • Response to shared-jurisdiction wildfire is efficient and effective.
  • Pre-fire multi-jurisdictional planning occurs.

Cohesive Strategy Success Stories

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Last modified: Thursday July 19 2012