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Call for Papers: Special Issue on Transportation Safety

The Bureau of Transportation Statistics, in the Research and Innovative Technology Administration in the US Department of Transportation, is reintroducing the Journal of Transportation and Statistics (JT&S), with the first issue being a special issue on Transportation Safety. We invite submissions relating to any mode of transportation, with an emphasis on analyses of safety data whose results would be of potential interest to policy makers.

All papers will be peer-reviewed. Please send an electronic copy of your paper to Peg Young (, to whom all inquiries should also be directed. Authors planning to submit papers are encouraged to send an abstract to the editors by December 1, 2011. The cut-off date for accepting completed manuscripts is February 1, 2012. The tentative publication date of this issue of the Journal is late 2012.

Dr. Peg Young, Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Transportation and Statistics
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, Room E34-304
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202/366-2483


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