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Journal of Transportation and Statistics - Volume 3, Number 3

Journal of Transportation and Statistics
Volume 3 Number 3

December 2000
ISSN 1094-8848

NOTES: The views presented in the articles in this journal are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. All material contained in this journal is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted without special permission; citation as to sources is required.

The Journal of Transportation and Statistics has been discontinued by BTS because of budget constraints. Papers are therefore no longer being accepted or considered for publication. BTS hopes to bring the Journal back as a virtual publication in the future, and will post any news about the status of JTS on this page.

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Table of Contents File Formats
Entire Report
Editorial Board
Paper 1 - Regularities in Travel Demand: An International Perspective by Andreas Schafer
Table 1 - Travel Surveys Used
Table 2 - Major Characteristics of All Travel Surveys Used in This Paper
Table 3 - Daily per Person Travel Time Expenditures in Great Britain (1985/86) and the Netherlands (1985)
Table A1 - Indicators of Daily Mobility by Trip Purpose for Seven OECD Countries
Table A2 - Indicators of Daily Mobility by Major Mode of Transport for Seven OECD Countries
Table B1 - Estimate of Average Daily Travel Distances in Singapore
Figure 1 - Time Expenditure for Major Activities as a Function of Work Time: 1965/1966
Figure 2 - Basic Variables of Human Mobility as Functions of Daily Distance Traveled
Figure 3 - Distributions of Basic Mobility Variables in the United States
Figure 4 - Allocation of Travel Time
Figure 5 - Personal Consumption Expenditures as a Fraction of Total Personal Consumption Expenditures
Figure 6 - Substitution of Travel Time and Money Expenditures
Figure 7 - Number of Trips by Mode versus Daily Distance Traveled from Table 1
Figure 8 - Modal Split (Trips) in the United States for Short and Long Distance Travel
Figure 9 - Mean Trip Distance to Work
Figure 10 - Cumulative Distribution of per Capita Trip Rate for All Modes by Trip Distance and Purpose
Paper 2 - New and Existing Roadway Inventory Data Acquisition Methods by Aemal J. Khattak, Joseph E. Hummer, and Hassan A. Karimi
Table 1 - Summary of Hardware Used in the MMSs
Table 2 - Accuracy Differences at Different Experimental Levels
Table 3 - Summary of Time and Cost of Data Collection by Different Methods
Figure 1 - Summary of PME Values, Experiment 1
Figure 2 - Summary of PME Values, Experiment 2
Figure 3 - Summary of PME Values, Experiment 3
Figure 4 - Summary of PME Values, Experiment 4
Paper 3 - Behavioral Distinctions: The Use of Light-Duty Trucks and Passenger Cars by Kara Maria Kockelman and Yong Zhao
Table 1 - Definitions of Variables Used
Table 2 - Weighted Least Squares Models of VMT
Table 3 - Negative Binomial Regressions for Number of Person-Trips: All Purposes and Recreational Purposes
Table 4a - Ordered Probit Model for Trip Occupancy: All Trip Purposes
Table 4b - Ordered Probit Model for Trip Occupancy: All Recreational Purposes
Table 5 - Multinomial Logit Model for Vehicle Type Chosen for Trip by Driver
Table 6 - Multinomial Logit Model for Newest Vehicle Owned
Table 7 - Simultaneous Poissons Model for Vehicle Fleet Ownership
Paper 4 - Efficiency Measures and Output Specification: The Case of European Railways by Pedro Cantos, José M. Pastor, and Lorenzo Serrano
Table 1 - Average Values for Variables: 1970 to 1995
Table 2 - Inefficiency Levels
Paper 5 - Vehicle Speed Considerations in Traffic Management: Development of a New Speed Monitoring Program by Darren L. Jorgenson, Matthew G. Karlaftis, and Kumares C. Sinha
Table 1 - State Survey of Speed Monitoring Programs
Table 2 - Continuation of Speed Monitoring
Table 3 - Delphi Process for Speed Monitoring Program Results
Table 4 - Probability Table for the Three-Staged, Nested Factorial Mixed Effects Model
Table 5 - Student-Newman-Keuls Test for Quarter
Table 6 - Statewide Site Distribution by Lane-Miles
Table 7 - Statewide Site Distribution by DVMT
Table 8 - Average Distribution of All Crashes
Table 9 - Site Distribution Based on All Crashes
Table 10 - Comparisons of Site Distributions for Existing and Proposed Programs
Paper 6 - Valuing Long-Haul and Metropolitan Freight Travel Time and Reliability by Marcus Wigan, Nigel Rockliffe, Thorolf Thoresen, and Dimitris Tsolakis
Table 1 - Mean Values of the Attributes
Table 2 - Summary Results for Linear Attribute Models
Table 3 - Freight Travel Time: Implicit Unit Values (in 1998 $ AUD)
Guidelines for Manuscript Submission, Instructions to Authors
Reviewers (September 1, 1999 - December 1, 2000)
Index to Volume 3
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