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Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
The Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NA&ME) major provides a strong undergraduate educational program in engineering, mathematics and the sciences, focused on the design and analysis of ships and boats. The curriculum has significant commonality with a typical mechanical engineering degree, but instead has a heavy focus on ship design and ship systems during the 2/c and 1/c (junior and senior) years.

NA&ME Major Program Features 

This program, which is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, Inc. (111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012) the premier engineering accreditation agency of over 3,100 programs in more than 20 countries. 

Capstone Design Projects - The senior capstone courses present the ultimate design and creativity challenge as small teams of students conduct a year-long, “clean-sheet-of-paper” preliminary design of a ship to accomplish missions of the Coast Guard or commercial maritime industry. Students design and analyze the ship’s hull (form and structure), propulsion and auxiliary systems, general arrangements, crewing, cost studies, etc. 

Internships - The NA&ME major offers several summer internships each year. These six-week engineering experiences occur during 1/c summer (entering senior year) at one of several U.S. Coast Guard units that are performing NA&ME work for the USCG fleet or for the maritime industry. 

Directed Studies Research - Students are afforded an opportunity for Directed Studies in the NA&ME major, conducting individual or small team engineering research under the close guidance of a faculty member. Students who choose this experience do so as their 3.0-credit “free elective” or “major area elective” within the NA&ME curriculum. 

NA&ME Graduates 

Graduates from the NA&ME major are well prepared for service as Coast Guard officers in a wide spectrum of Coast Guard missions and careers. This program provides a solid educational basis for professional engineering practice both in and outside the Coast Guard and affords the graduate considerable opportunities for post-graduate study in Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and other related fields, as well as a wide range of other subjects and degrees. 

Program Educational Objectives for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 

The U.S. Coast Guard Academy Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering program produces graduates who, within several years of graduation: 

  1. Demonstrate competency in professional practice in U.S. Coast Guard Naval Engineering or Marine Safety Engineering positions.
  2. Demonstrate intellectual or professional growth such as post-graduate education, licensing, certification, and participation in pertinent professional societies.
  3. Contribute NA&ME expertise to the solution of U.S. Coast Guard engineering challenges, specifically including the design, construction, safety, operation, and repair of U.S. Coast Guard and commercial vessels.

NA&ME Faculty 

The NA&ME faculty is composed of both active duty Coast Guard and civilian professors. Collectively, the faculty has extensive educational and real-world experience in ship design, ship construction, shipboard operations, marine inspections, hydrodynamics, ship acquisitions, marine renewable energy, engineering materials, and more. We are dedicated to a quality, challenging, and supportive educational experience.