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  • Advanced Space Systems

    TTO seeks innovative approaches across a wide range of space technologies and concepts which will enable assured rapid responsiveness, survivability, surveillance, situational awareness, sustainment, persistence, protection, tracking, communication, navigation, early warning, launch, on-orbit transfer, and control and efficiency in space operations.

    Resilience in Space Operations

    Objectives: Improve the efficiency in space manufacturing processes, advanced nano and micro-satellite technology; stage platforms to support human servicing operations out to geosynchronous orbits; develop advanced concepts for space power collection, storage, and space propulsion
    Military Utility: Supports existing force structure and concepts of operations against the disruption and degradation of capabilities provided by space operations; advance the use of autonomy to promote minimal support, reduced logistics, rapid set-up and teardown for operations, space system protection, and maximum flexibility to control multiple mission types

    Assured Space Access

    Objectives: Develop innovative launch systems and technologies necessary to assure and sustain future reliable efficient access to space; revolutionize the responsiveness and flexibility of space systems to include rapid and persistent "aircraft-like" space access
    Military Utility: Provide a robust, reliable, affordable, and innovative means for achieving access to space; dramatically improve affordability associated with space vehicle technologies


    Objectives: Investment technologies to detect, mitigate, and increase resiliency to harmful interference to space communications systems and the Global Positioning System; alternative approaches for their critical infrastructure, key resources, and mission-essential functions
    Military Utility: Promote safe and responsible operations in space; improved information collection, communications, and sharing of space data

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