On The Floor

Earthquake in China

On May 20, 2008, the House passed a resolution expressing condolences and sympathy to the people of the People’s Republic of China after the destruction caused by the earthquake centered in Sichuan Province, H. Res. 1195.

This resolution:

(1) extends its condolences and sympathy to the people of the People's Republic of China for the grave loss of life and vast destruction caused by the massive earthquake centered in Sichuan Province;

(2) vows its full support for the people of the People's Republic of China as well as the members of the Chinese American community in the United States who have relatives in the affected areas of China; and

(3) expresses confidence that the people of the People's Republic of China will come together to help those in need and succeed in overcoming the hardships incurred because of this tragedy.

Read the full text of the resolution>>

Below are Speaker Pelosi's remarks in support of the resolution:

“On Monday, May 12th, a massive earthquake struck the Sichuan province in central China that registered 7.9 on the Richter scale.  As many as 40,000 people have perished and it is feared the death toll may reach 50,000.

“This is one of the worst humanitarian disasters in Chinese history.  The images projected around the world by foreign and Chinese media show the extent of the devastation that cannot be adequately described by statistics.  The impact on the children is particularly heartbreaking as the earthquake struck during the day and schools collapsed with the young students inside.

“Yesterday, China began a three-day mourning period in memory of the victims of the earthquake.  Today, the United States Congress joins with the Chinese people in their mourning and offers its deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones in the tragedy.

“When catastrophes strike, relief and reconstruction operations need strong support to deliver help where it is desperately needed.  The Chinese people can be assured that the United States and the international community will work with them to overcome the challenges and difficulties they face at this time.

“The Chinese people themselves have already answered the call.  Even as the Chinese government sent aid workers to the region, average citizens came to the rescue, donating both their time and money to the relief efforts.

“In this time of great suffering and loss, we offer our deepest condolences and unwavering support to the Chinese people, particularly those who are mourning their loved ones. I hope that it is some comfort to all those affected by this tragedy that so many people throughout the world are thinking of them at this difficult time.”