On The Floor

Resolution on Devastating Cyclone Nargis in Burma

On May 13, 2008, the House passed H.Res. 1181, expressing condolences to the Burmese people on the enormous loss of life caused by Cyclone Nargis and calling on the ruling military junta to accept broad international assistance.    
On the night of May 2 and through the morning of May 3, Cyclone Nargis struck the coast of Burma. Cyclone Nargis has caused enormous loss of life and destruction.  The official death toll from the cyclone has now surpassed 31,000, with more than 33,000 reported missing.  A U.S. diplomat in Burma has stated the death toll could rise to 100,000.

International aid organizations fear that we are still in the beginning stages of this catastrophe.  It is estimated that 1.5 million people remain in desperate need of help.  Without international aid and expertise, many of these men, women and children may lose their lives to starvation, dehydration, and disease.

More than a week after the cyclone hit, hundreds of thousands of survivors have reportedly not yet received any help, because of the lack of supplies and logistical difficulties. In the first days after the cyclone, the military junta was refusing many offers of foreign help and refusing to grant visas to most foreign aid workers.  Until Monday, regarding aid from the U.S., the junta had allowed only one plane to land and deliver relief supplies.

On Monday, the head of the U.S. Pacific Command, Admiral Timothy Keating, flew into Burma aboard the first military aid flight, to press for a full-scale international relief operation for victims of Cyclone Nargis.  Facing mounting international pressure to open their country’s borders, Burmese officials promised to consider the request.

Also on Monday, Burmese authorities cleared two more U.S. C-130 relief flights for today.  In another sign of gradual cooperation, U.N. officials announced that the Burmese government has now approved visas for 34 foreign aid workers.

On Monday, in addition, the State Department announced a second package of assistance for Burma.  It said an additional $13 million in food and other logistical support will be provided to the U.N. World Food Program, bringing the U.S. Government’s cash assistance for Burma to a total of $16.25 million.

What the House Resolution Does

H.Res. 1181 resolves that the House of Representatives:

  • Extends its condolences and sympathy to the people of Burma for the grave loss of life and vast destruction caused by Cyclone Nargis;
  • Vows its full support of and solidarity with the people of Burma;
  • Calls on Americans to provide immediate emergency assistance to cyclone victims in Burma through humanitarian agencies;
  • Expresses confidence that the people of Burma will succeed in overcoming the hardships incurred because of this tragedy;
  • Calls for the Burmese military junta to consider the well-being of its people and accept broad international assistance; and
  • Demands that the referendum to entrench military rule be called off, allowing all resources to be focused on disaster relief to ease the pain and suffering of the Burmese people.