
Links to Non-Governmental Partner Organizations

To add your organization to the NGO list below, please contact the IAWG staff at and provide the name of your organization, your organization's web address, and the name and phone number of a contact person.


Academy for Educational Development
Adventures in Real Communication Year Program (ARC-YP)
AFS Intercultural Programs
The Alliance for International Educational & Cultural Exchange
Alliance to Save Energy
America-Mideast Educational & Training Services, Inc. (AMIDEAST)
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers
American Association of Community Colleges
American Association of State Colleges and Universities
American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
American Chamber of Commerce in Russia
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)
American Councils for International Education (ACTR/ACCELS)
American Council of Young Political Leaders
American Council on Education
The American Council on International Personnel, Inc. (ACIP)
American Foreign Policy Council
American Heritage Association (AHA)
American International Health Alliance (AIHA)
American Institute for Foreign Study Foundation
American-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
American-Scandinavian Foundation
Amity Institute
Amizade, Ltd.
The Asia Foundation
ASPECT Foundation
Associates in Cultural Exchange
The Association Liaison Office (ALO) University Cooperation in Development
Association of American Universities
Association of International Educators (NAFSA)
Association for International Practical Training
AYUSA International

Buffalo/Niagara WorldConnect, Inc.

Catholic Relief Services
CDS International
Center for Citizen Initiatives
Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (Netherlands)
Center for International Higher Education (CIHE)
The Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange
Center for Political Studies at Lviv National University
Center for Social Change
Center for Social Change International, Inc.
CEC International Partners
Central and East European Law Initiative of the American Bar Association (CEELI)
Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America
Cicatelli Associates, Inc.
Citigroup Foundation
The College Board, Office of International Education (CBOIE)
College Consortium for International Studies
Communicating for Agriculture
Community Colleges for International Development, Inc. (CCID)
Comparative Education Research Centre (Hong Kong)
Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC)
Consumer Federation of America
Council of American Overseas Research Centers
Council of Energy Efficiency Companies of India (CEECI)
Council of Graduate Schools
Council on International Educational Exchange
Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)
Counterpart Consortium

Delphi International

East-West Center
Educational Resource Development Trust
Educational Testing Service
EF Foundation for Foreign Study
English Teachers Association of Georgia
The Eurasia Foundation
Exchange: Japan
Experience International

The Financial Markets Center (FMC)
Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC)
Foundation for International Community Assistance International, Inc.
Foundation for Russian-American Economic Cooperation
Freedom of Choice Coalition of NGOs
The Fulbright Association

Georgian Association in the United States of America
German American Partnership Program, Inc.
German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF)
Ghana Energy Foundation
Girl Scouts of the USA
Global Development Network

Heart-to-Heart International

Initiative for Social Action and Renewal in Eurasia
The Institute for Pacific Asia
Institute of International Education
International Agricultural Exchange Association (IAEA)
International Association for Management
International Business and Technical Consultants, Inc.
International Center for Foreign Journalists (ICFJ)
International Cultural Exchange Services
The International Executive Service Corps
International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES)
International Internship Programs
International Relief and Development, Inc.
International Republican Institute (IRI)
International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX)
International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)
International Visitors Council, Inc

Japan-America Student Conference
Japan Society, Inc.
Japan-U.S. Community Education and Exchange

Kaliningrad Association for Energy Efficiency
Kosciuszko Foundation (KF)

Land O'Lakes Foundation
LASPAU: Academic & Professional Programs for the Americas
The Laurasian Institution
Lexia Exchange International (Lexia)
Lisle Fellowship, Inc.

MacArthur Foundation, The John D. and Catherine T.
MAST International: Minnesota Agricultural Student Trainee
Meridian International Center
Metro International Program Services of New York, Inc.
Minnesota Organization for Global Professional Assignments (MOGPA)
(MOGPA Internships in Asia)

Mobility International USA (MIUSA)
Moroccan-American for Educational and Cultural Exchange (MACECE)
Mountbatten Internship Programme

NAFSA: Association of International Educators
National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges
National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
National Council for Eurasia and East European Research (NCEEER)
National Council for International Visitors (NCIV)
National Council on Economic Education
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDIIA)
National Education Association
National FAA Organization
North Carolina Center for International Understanding
North-South Center

Ohio Agricultural Intern Program

Partners of the Americas
Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council
People to People International
A Presidential Classroom for Young Americans, Inc.
Project Harmony, Inc.

Rotary International
Russian American Chamber of Commerce
Russian Energy Efficiency Union

Sabre Foundation
Save The Children
School Year Abroad (SYA)
State International Development Organizations (SIDO)
Sister Cities International
Smithsonian Institution
Social Science Research Council (SSRC)
Society for Research Into Higher Education (United Kingdom)
Soros Foundations Network

Trans Atlantic Small Business Initiative
Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC)

United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
USDA Graduate School (USDA/GS)
United States of America International Training (USA-IT)
The U.S.-Russia Business Council
U.S. Servas, Inc.

Victory for Youth, Inc.

The Wo International Center (WIC)
World Education Services
World Exchange, Ltd
World Learning, Inc.
World of Knowledge Foundation

YMCA International Program Service
Youth for Understanding

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