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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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New Dietary Ingredients in Dietary Supplements - Background for Industry

The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) requires that manufacturers and distributors who wish to market dietary supplements that contain "new dietary ingredients" notify the Food and Drug Administration about these ingredients. (See Section 413b of the act (21 U.S.C. 350b).) Generally, the notification must include information that is the basis on which manufacturers/distributors have concluded that a dietary supplement containing a new dietary ingredient will reasonably be expected to be safe under the conditions of use recommended or suggested in the labeling.

If you are a manufacturer or distributor, these pages provide a general overview of the following:

On July 5, 2011, FDA published a draft guidance that addresses these and other topics in more detail.

When to Notify FDA and What is a New Dietary Ingredient

What is a "new dietary ingredient?" 

The term "new dietary ingredient" means a dietary ingredient that was not marketed in the United States in a dietary supplement before October 15, 1994. (See section 413(c) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act), 21 U.S.C. 350b(c)). There is no authoritative list of dietary ingredients that were marketed in dietary supplements before October 15, 1994. Therefore, manufacturers and distributors (you) are responsible for determining if an ingredient is a "new dietary ingredient" and, if not, for documenting that a dietary supplement that contained the dietary ingredient was marketed before October 15, 1994.

If you want to market a "new dietary ingredient" in a dietary supplement, you must be sure that the substance is considered to be a "dietary ingredient." (See section 201(ff)(1) of the act (21 U.S.C 321(ff)(1)). A dietary ingredient is a vitamin; a mineral; an herb or other botanical; an amino acid; a dietary substance for use by man to supplement the diet by increasing total dietary intake; or a concentrate, metabolite, constituent, extract, or combination of any of the above dietary ingredients.

In addition, the product containing the dietary ingredient must be a dietary supplement. (See section 201(ff) of the act (21 U.S.C. 321 (ff)). The term "dietary supplement" means a product (other than tobacco) intended to supplement the diet that contains one or more dietary ingredients. A dietary supplement is limited to products that are intended for ingestion in tablet, capsule, powder, softgel, gelcap, and liquid form, that are not represented as conventional food or as the sole item of a meal or of the diet, and that are labeled as dietary supplements. Additionally, dietary supplements do not include products that are approved drugs, certified antibiotics, or licensed biologics. Dietary supplements also do not include products that are authorized for investigation as a new drug, antibiotic, or biologic (and for which substantial clinical investigations have been instituted and for which the existence of such investigations has been made public), unless the product was marketed as a dietary supplement or as a food before it was approved as a drug, antibiotic, or biologic, or, in the case of investigational products, before the public disclosure of such investigations.

You can find the statutory language of section 201(ff) of the act (21 U.S.C. 321(ff)) by going to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

 When must I notify FDA about a new dietary ingredient? 

The act provides that a dietary supplement that contains a new dietary ingredient shall be deemed adulterated under section 402(f) of the act (21 U.S.C. 342(f)) unless it meets one of two requirements:

  1. The dietary supplement contains only dietary ingredients which have been present in the food supply as an article used for food in a form in which the food has not been chemically altered; or
  2. There is a history of use or other evidence of safety establishing that the dietary ingredient when used under the conditions recommended or suggested in the labeling of the dietary supplement will reasonably be expected to be safe and, at least 75 days before being introduced or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce, the manufacturer or distributor of the dietary ingredient or dietary supplement provides the FDA with information, including any citation to published articles, which is the basis on which the manufacturer or distributor has concluded that a dietary supplement containing such dietary ingredient will reasonably be expected to be safe.

(See Section 413 of the act (21 U.S.C. 350b) and section 402(f) of the act (21 U.S.C. 342(f)).

In other words, if the dietary ingredient has not been present in the food supply as an article used for food, you must show why you consider that the consumption of a new dietary ingredient is reasonably expected to be safe under the conditions recommended or suggested in the labeling.

If you are unsure whether a dietary ingredient is a "new dietary ingredient" under the act you may still submit a notification to us. Importantly, if a product containing a new dietary ingredient is marketed without the required notification, unless exempt, the product may be adulterated as a matter of law. Regardless of whether you are required to submit a premarket notification, it is your responsibility to ensure that a dietary ingredient used in a dietary supplement is safe.

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Information About Submitting Notifications for New Dietary Ingredients (Who, What, Where, How)

Who needs to submit a notification?

You must submit a premarket notification if you are a:

  • manufacturer who intends to market a new dietary ingredient;
  • manufacturer who intends to market a dietary supplement that contains a new dietary ingredient;
  • distributor who intends to market a new dietary ingredient; or
  • distributor who intends to market a dietary supplement that contains a new dietary ingredient.
What information must the notification contain? 

If you plan to market a dietary supplement that contains a new dietary ingredient, unless exempt, you must submit to FDA, at least 75 days before the dietary ingredient is introduced or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce, information that is the basis on which you have concluded that a dietary supplement containing the new dietary ingredient will reasonably be expected to be safe.

FDA regulations require that you submit an original and two (2) copies of the notification and all of its attachments. You must also provide in the notification:

  • Your name and complete address.
  • The name of the new dietary ingredient. If the new dietary ingredient is an herb or other botanical, you must include the Latin binomial name (including the author).
  • A description of the dietary supplement or dietary supplements that contain the new dietary ingredient, including the:
    • level of the new dietary ingredient in the product;
    • conditions of use of the product stated in the labeling or if no conditions of use are stated, the ordinary conditions of use; and
    • history of use or other evidence of safety establishing that the dietary ingredient, when used under the conditions recommended or suggested in the labeling of the dietary supplement, will be reasonably be expected to be safe.
      • Any reference to published materials must be accompanied by reprints or photostatic copies.
      • Any material in a foreign language must be accompanied by a translation.
  • A signature by a person designated by you who can be contacted if we have questions.

On September 23, 1997, we published in the Federal Register a final rule that established regulations that you must follow when you make a premarket notification for a new dietary ingredient. You can find the final rule at Federal Register Final Rule - 62 FR 49886 September 23, 1997. The regulations are codified at 21 CFR §190.6. The regulations are codified at 21 CFR §190.6. 

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What type of information do I need to submit to provide a basis to conclude that the new dietary ingredient is reasonably expected to be safe?

You are not limited in what evidence you may rely on in determining whether the use of a new dietary ingredient will reasonably be expected to be safe. (See section 413(a)(2) of the act (21 U.S.C. 350b(a)(2)). You must provide a history of use or other evidence of safety establishing that the dietary ingredient, when used under the conditions recommended or suggested in the labeling of the dietary supplement, will reasonably be expected to be safe. To date, we have not published guidance defining the specific information that the submission must contain. Thus, you are responsible for determining what information provides the basis for your conclusion. Nonetheless, we expect that -- in making a determination that a new dietary ingredient is reasonably expected to be safe, -- you will consider the evidence of safety found in the scientific literature, including an examination of adverse effects associated with the use of the substance.

Where do I send my premarket notification and who can I contact at FDA, if I have questions?

Division of Dietary Supplement Programs
Office of Nutrition, Labeling, and Dietary Supplements (HFS-810)
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Food and Drug Administration
5100 Paint Branch Parkway
College Park, MD, 20740-3835
Telephone Number: (240) 402-2375

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What happens after I submit a premarket notification for a new dietary ingredient to FDA?

Once you submit a premarket notification for a new dietary ingredient, we will acknowledge its receipt in writing within 75 days. We will also notify you of the date it is received, which is the filing date for the premarket notification. For 75 days after the filing date, you cannot market (that is, introduce or deliver for introduction into interstate commerce) the dietary supplement that contains the new dietary ingredient.

We may contact you again if:

  • you did not provide all of the information required in the regulations (see 21 CFR §190.6),
  • we have questions about the information contained in the notification.


We will not disclose the existence of, or the information contained in, your new dietary ingredient notification for 90 days after the filing date. After the 90th day, all the information in your notification will be placed on public display in docket number 95S-0316 at FDA’s Dockets Management Branch. However, any information that is trade secret or otherwise confidential commercial information will not be disclosed to the public.

What new dietary ingredient notifications has FDA received and what is the status of each?

9/10/01 UPDATE to FDA's Table of New Dietary Ingredient Notifications (Docket #95S-0316)

The table below contains notification we received through March 2001. Other notification responses may be found on our Dockets Management Web site. More recent notifications are filed at http://www.regulations.gov in docket 95S-0316.

The following table contains information on new dietary ingredient notifications we have received, including:

  • an identifying code number for the notification;
  • the name of the new dietary ingredient;
  • the name of the manufacturer or distributor;
  • the date the notification was received or "filed" by FDA; and
  • the status of the notification.

The information for each new dietary ingredient notification that is available using this Web site is the same information that is available at Dockets Management Web site and Dockets Management Branch (Dockets) under Docket number 95S-0316.  However, some of these notifications contain copyrighted material that can only be obtained through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request or viewed at Dockets. You may view the New Dietary Ingredient notifications inclusive of copyrighted material at:  Dockets Management Branch, Food & Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061, Rockville, MD 20852.  If you would like a hard copy or a copy on CD-ROM of a New Dietary Ingredient notification with the copyrighted material, you may submit an FOI request to: Freedom of Information Staff, Food & Drug Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, HFI-35, Rockville, MD 20857. For information on how to submit an FOI request, you may wish to refer to "A Handbook for Requesting Information and Records from FDA". There is a cost for duplicating this material under the Freedom of Information Act.


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TABLE NOTES: The names of the new dietary ingredients are stated as reported to FDA in the notifications. The table states the names of the manufacturers or distributors of the new dietary ingredients that may be different from the submitters of the notifications. The filing date represents the date a notification was received by the FDA.


& = and; and = indicates two separate companies; c/o = care of; FDA = Food and Drug Administration; Let = letter; M = memorandum; N/A = not applicable; Rpt = report; Rpts = reports; Sup = supplement; Sups = supplements

Code No.
New Dietary Ingredient(s)Manufacturer or DistributorFiling DateStatus
M 2Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni
(stevia or stevia leaf)
Sunrider International, Inc.7/7/95Filed with comment
M 3protoprotein nutraceutical Lab #PS-30Foodsmith Corporation7/10/95Filed without comment
Rpt 1
(see Sup 8)
theobromineTinos LLC1/22/96Filed with comment
(See Sup 8 for FDA comment letter.)
Rpt 2tepozan
(Buddleja americana L.)
Malabar Productos Naturales S.C. De C.V.2/7/96Filed without comment
white sapote
(Casimiroa edulis)
Rpt 3Lo Han Kuo Extract
(fruit extract of Siraitia grosvenorii S.)
HerbaSwy Laboratories, Inc.3/4/96Filed without comment
Rpt 4
(see Sup 9)
(enzyme derived from bacteria in the genus Serratia)
Specialty Enzymes and Biochemicals Company5/17/96Filed with comment
(See Sup 9 for FDA comment letter.)
Rpt 5 (part 1)
Rpt 5 (part 2)
Rpt 5 (part 3)
(see Sup 10)
bark extract of Pao Pereira tree,
Geissospermum vellosii
(Pao VTM)
VIVA (USA), Inc.
(later changed name to Natural Source International, Ltd.)
9/11/96Filed with comment
(See Sup 10 for FDA comment letter.)
Rpt 6
(see Sup 11)
Trigonella foenum-graeceum L.(Fenugreek)
(debitterized and defatted powder from fenugreek seeds)
Kentucky Biosafety Consultants Inc.9/17/96Filed with comment
(See Sup 11 for FDA comment letter.)
Rpt 7Garañona
(Castilleja canescens)
Malabar Productos Naturales S.C. De C.V.10/16/96Filed with comment
(Conyza filaginoides)
(Leucophyllum texanum)
(Solanum verbascifolium)
Rpt 8
(see Sup 13)
(Cordia boissieri D.C.)
Malabar Productos Naturales S.C. De C.V.10/31/96Filed with comment
(See Sup 13 for FDA comment letter.)
(Gnaphalium berlandieri D.C.)
Rpt 9ReaL Build
(nucleotide; RNA fragments from fermented E. coli)
Natural Source International, Ltd.
(formerly called VIVA (USA), Inc.)
3/10/97Filed without comment
Rpt 10Cuachalalate
(Amphipterygium adstringens)
Malabar Productos Naturales S.C. De C.V.3/18/97Filed without comment
(Brickellia cavanillesi)
(Flourensia cernua)
Rpt 11Rauwolfia Vomitoria Afz. or
Rauwolfia Vomitoria
(from root bark of Rauwolfia vomitoria Afz.)
(ingredient of Rovol VTM)
Natural Source International, Ltd.
(formerly called VIVA (USA), Inc.)
3/21/97Filed without comment
Rpt 12vinpocetine
(vincamine derivative)
Amrion, Inc.7/8/97Filed without comment
Rpt 13 (see Sups 1 & 3)pokeweed mitogen
(mixture of proteins known as lectins from the pokeweed plant, Phytolacca americana L.)
Advanced Plant Pharmaceuticals, Inc.8/1/97Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 147-keto DHEA acetate
(dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) metabolite)
General Nutrition Corporation and Humanetics Corporation5/25/97Filed without comment
Rpt 15
(see Sup 12)
Huperzine A
(Huperzia serrata extract)
General Nutrition Corporation and Marco Hi Tech JV Ltd.9/2/97Filed with comment
(See Sup 12 for FDA comment letter.)
Rpt 16pinitol
(inositol derived from pine tree bark)
Humanetics Corporation12/9/97Filed without comment
Rpt 17SeaGoldTM DHA-rich oil
(derived from heterotrophically grown marine microalgae Schizochytrium sp.)
Monsanto Company12/22/97Filed without comment
Rpt 18
(see Sup 2)
3, 3'-diindolylmethane (DIM)BioResponse LLC8/19/97Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Sup 1 (see Rpt 13 & Sup 3)pokeweed mitogen (mixture of proteins known as lectins from the pokeweed plant, Phytolacca americana L.)Advanced Plant Pharmaceuticals, Inc.N/AComment letter from an individual and FDA's response
Rpt 19S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)
(synthesized from methionine and adenosine triphosphate)
US Botanicals10/21/97Filed without comment
Rpt 20
(see Rpt 30)
(Cecropia obstusifolia Bert.)
Malabar Productos Naturales S.C. De C.V.1/27/98Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
(Loeselia mexicana Lam. Brand)
(Montanoa tormentosa Cerv.)
(Tagetes lucida Cav.)
(Tecoma mollis H.B.K.)
Rpt 21alpha-D(-)ribofuranose
Humanetics Corporation10/28/97Filed without comment
Rpt 22isopropoxy isoflavoneTechnical Sourcing International, Inc.11/24/97Filed without comment
Rpt 23methyltetrahydrofolate or
5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF)
(active form of folate)
General Nutrition Corporation2/26/98Filed without comment
Rpt 24galacto-oligosaccharides
(derived from lactose)
(ingredient of Elix'orTM)
EM Industries, Inc.3/19/98Filed without comment
Rpt 254-butyrolactone
Unique Products Company2/13/98Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 26 (part 1)
Rpt 26 (part 2)
Rpt 26 (part 3)
Rpt 26 (part 4)
(synthesized from methionine and adenosine triphosphate)
General Nutrition Corporation3/13/98Filed without comment
Rpt 27katsuobushi oligopeptide
(peptide obtained from therolysin-digested Katsuobushi (dried bonito))
General Nutrition Corporation3/13/98Filed without comment
Rpt 28creatine pyruvateSKW Trostberg AG3/31/98Filed without comment
Rpt 29Seaprose-S
(semi-alkaline proteinase from Asperigillus melleus)
General Nutrition Corporation4/28/98Filed without comment
Sup 2
(see Rpt 18)
3, 3'-diindolylmethane
BioResponse LLCN/ACompany withdrew its notification; not a new dietary ingredient
Rpt 30
(see Rpt 20)
(Cecropia obstusifolia Bert.) (resubmission)
Malabar Productos Naturales S.C. De C.V.5/15/98Filed without comment
(Loeselia mexicana Lam. Brand)
Filed without comment
(Montanoa tormentosa Cerv.)
Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
(Tagetes lucida Cav.)
Filed without comment
(Tecoma mollis H.B.K.)
Filed without comment
Sup 3
(see Rpt 13 & 
Sup 1)
pokeweed mitogen
(mixture of proteins known as lectins from the pokeweed plant, Phytolacca americana L.)
Advanced Plant Pharmaceuticals, Inc.N/AComment letter from an individual and FDA's response
Rpt 31
(see Let 1)
Lactobacillus casei
(clearans strain)
La Vida Corporation
(later changed name to Hata Biotics, Inc.)
5/15/98Filed without comment
Rpt 32S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)
(synthesized from methionine and adenosine triphosphate)
Nutramax Laboratories, Inc.5/27/98Filed without comment
Rpt 33root of Imperata cylindrica
(ingredient of LingDanWangTM capsule)
P & Y American Dietary Supplements, Inc. and Ling Dan Wang Health Foods9/22/98Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
whole plant of Isodon glaucocalyx
(ingredient of LingDanWangTM capsule)
Ganoderma lucidum
(ingredient of LingDanWangTM capsule)
Let 1
(see Rpt 31)
Lactobacillus casei
(clearans strain)
Hata Biotics, Inc.
(formerly called La Vida Corporation)
N/ALetter informed FDA of company's name change.
Rpt 34vinpocetine
(vincamine derivative)
Leiner Health Products10/20/98Filed without comment
Rpt 35hydroxycitric acid
((-)-hydroxycitric acid or (-)HCA)
(synthetically produced)
Pemby Ltd. c/o HOB Ireland Ltd.11/3/98Filed without comment
Rpt 36Danshen Root, Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge.
(contains active ingredient of tanshinone)
(ingredient of DanshengtongTM)
XILI U.S.A.11/13/98Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 37Nerium oleander extract
(ingredient of Oleander Extract Caplets and Anvirzel®)
Ozelle Pharmaceuticals, Inc.12/1/98Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 38
(see Sup 4)
Huperzine A
(Hyperzia serrata extract)
Kingchem Inc.11/16/98Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 39myellia of Cordyceps sinensis
(extract of cultured mushroom)
(ingredient of Cordrin CapsuleTM)
P & Y American Dietary Supplements, Inc.11/18/98Filed without comment
Rpt 40Monacolin 8000F
(main component is Monacolin J)
(fungal derivative of Monascus pilosus)
General Nutrition Corporation1/20/99Filed without comment
Rpt 41
(see Rpt 73)
(polyphenolic seed extract of the evening primrose plant, Oenthera biennis)
Humanetics Corporation5/5/99Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 42
(see Sup 5)
extract of Ganoderma lucidum, Chinese black mushroom
(ingredient of LDW Liver Nurishing CapsuleTM)
P & Y American Dietary Supplements, Inc.2/12/99Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
root extract of Imperata cylindrical, Lemon grass
(ingredient of LDW Liver Nurishing CapsuleTM)
Sup 4
(see Rpt 38)
Huperzine A
(Hyperzia serrata extract)
Kingchem Inc.2/22/99Filed without comment
Rpt 43acetyl-homotaurine
Chemtech Pharmics, Inc.3/11/99Not a dietary supplement
Rpt 44chicken sternal cartilageChicken Cart, Inc.3/15/99Filed without comment
Rpt 45
(see Rpt 50)
Haematococcus algae
(Haematococcus pluvialis algae)
(source of carotenoid astaxanthin)
Cyanotech Corporation3/22/99Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Sup 5
(see Rpt 42)
extract of Ganoderma lucidum, Chinese black mushroom
(ingredient of LDW Liver Nurishing CapsuleTM)
P & Y American Dietary Supplements, Inc.3/23/99Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
root extract of Imperata cylindrical, Lemon grass
(ingredient of LDW Liver Nurishing CapsuleTM)
Rpt 46vinpocetine
(vincamine derivative)
Leiner Health Products3/24/99Filed without comment
Rpt 47vinpocetine
(vincamine derivative)
General Nutrition Corporation4/16/99Filed without comment
Rpt 48vinpocetine
(vincamine derivative)
Pharmavite Corporation5/12/99Filed without comment
Rpt 49
(see Rpt 76)
Agaricus blazei Murrill extract
(Himematsutake extract)
Iwade Research Institute of Mycology Co., Ltd.5/24/99Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 50
(see Rpt 45)
Haematococcus algae
(Haematococcus pluvialis algae)
(source of carotenoid astaxanthin)
Cyanotech Corporation5/25/99Filed without comment
Rpt 51ImmunoRx (Munogen)
(killed and freeze-dried lysates and bacterial bodies of Lactobaccillus bulgaricus and Respivax (Munostin) that consists of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria catarrhalis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Klebsiella pneumoniae)
New Age Health Technologies, Inc.6/10/99Not a dietary supplement
Rpt 52Ganoderma lucidum spore powder
(Enhanvol Ganoderma Sporo-Pollon (100%))
Green Power Health Products International Company, Ltd.6/28/99Filed without comment
Rpt 53
(see Rpt 62)
(Vinca minor L. (periwinkle) derivative)
General Nutrition Corporation6/30/99Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 54plant stanol fatty acid estersMcNeil Consumer Healthcare8/20/99Filed without comment
Let 2Essence of Mushroom
(Yun-zhi, Coriolus vericolor)
Winsor Health Products, Ltd.1/7/97Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 55Huperzine A
(Huperzia serrata extract)
Solgar Vitamin and Herb9/30/99Filed without comment
Rpt 56Respivax
(killed and freeze-dried lysates and bacterial bodies of Streptocococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria catarrhalis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Klebsiella pneumoniae)
N/A/T/O International10/4/99Not a dietary supplement
Rpt 57Lo Han Kuo Fruit Extract
(fruit extract of Siraitia grosvenorii (swingle) C. Jeffrey)
Nature's Marvel International10/6/99Not a dietary supplement
Rpt 58Huperzine A
(Huperzia serrata extract)
Pharmavite Corporation11/17/99Filed without comment
Rpt 59
(see Sup 6)
L-Se-methylselenocysteine (SeMC)
(nonprotein amino acid)
PharmaSe, Inc.10/20/99Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 60Leci-GHA
(choline alfoscerate-enriched phospholipid)
Lucas Meyer, Inc.9/20/99Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Sup 6
(see Rpt 59)
L-Se-methylselenocysteine (SeMC)
(nonprotein amino acid)
PharmaSe, Inc.12/6/99Filed without comment
Rpt 61
(see Rpt 91)
(complex of mainly humic and fulvic acids derived from Hungarian peat)
(ingredient of humifulvate complex (HFC) and Humet®-R syrup)
Corvina Natural Products, Inc.1/11/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 62
(see Rpt 53)
(Vinca minor L. (periwinkle) derivative)
General Nutrition Corporation1/20/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety for use with children or for use longer than 6 months
Rpt 63D-Ribose (ribose)Leiner Health Products1/21/00Filed without comment
Rpt 64Cornus officinalis
(Fructus Corni, asiatic cornelian, cherry fruit)
(ingredient of Metelline)
Mr. Gongjun Ji2/22/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Cuscuta epithymum
(Dodder seed)
(ingredient of Metelline)
ground antelope horn
(ingredient of Metelline)
ground tortoise shell
(ingredient of Metelline)
Lygodium japonicum Sw.
(Spora Lygodii)
(ingredient of Metelline)
Proia cocos Wolf.
(pochymacocos Frio., Indian Bread)
(ingredient of Metelline)
Radix Astragali
(Milkvetch Root)
(ingredient of Metelline)
Radix Rehmanniae
(Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch.)
(Chinese Foxglove Root)
(ingredient of Metelline)
Rpt 65 (part 1)
Rpt 65 (part 2)
Haematococcus algae
(Haematococcus pluvialis algae)
(source of carotenoid astaxanthin)
(ingredient of a dried algal meal, softgels or other dietary supplement named Asta FactorTM or NutraxanTM Asta)
Aquasearch, Inc.2/22/00Filed without comment
Rpt 66S-adenosylmethionine (SAM-e)
(synthesized from methionine and adenosine triphosphate)
Leiner Health Products3/16/00Filed without comment
Rpt 67
(see Rpt 80)
Troxerutin (3',4',7-tris(hydroxyethyl)rutin)
(flower bud extract of Chinese Scholartree, Sophora japonica L.)
(flavonoid derivative of the biflavonoid rutin)
Nutratech, Inc.3/27/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 68
(see Rpt 83)
(bioflavonoid derivative of hesperidin)
Nutratech, Inc.4/5/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 69Kalanchoe pinnata (Landmarck) Persoon
(Q'ora Wayra)
(ingredient of Temporal Tension Extract)
Isula Rain, Inc.4/19/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Ruta chalepensis L.
(ingredient of Temporal Tension Extract)
Rpt 70Number not used

Rpt 71 (part 1)

Rpt 71 (part 2)

Rpt 71 (part 3)

Acicarpha tribuloides Jussieu
(Estrella kiska)
(ingredient of 7-Day Urinary Cleanse #3)
Isula Rain, Inc.4/21/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Schkuria pinnata Lam.
(ingredient of 7-Day Purity Cleanse #1 and 7-Day Digestive Cleanse #2)
Geranium filipes Killip
(ingredient of 7-Day Urinary Cleanse #3)
Mutisia acuminata Ruiz & Pav.
(ingredient of 7-Day Digestive Cleanse #2)
Equisetum bogotense Kunth
(Cola de caballo)
(ingredient of 7-Day Purity Cleanse #1,
7-Day Digestive Cleanse #2,
7-Day Urinary Cleanse #3,
GBDR Health Extract, and Muscle Health Extract)
Stachys pusilla (Wedd.) Briq.
(Hierba de cáncer)
(ingredient of 7-Day Urinary Cleanse #3)
Bursera graveolens (Kunth) Triana & Planch.
(palo santo)
(ingredient of 7-Day Purity Cleanse #1)
Chuquiraga spinosa Less.
(ingredient of 7-Day Urinary Cleanse #3)
Desmodium molliculum (Kunth) DC.
(Runa manayupa)
(ingredient of 7-Day Urinary Cleanse #3)
Oenothera rosea L'Hér. ex Aiton
(Yawar chonca)
(ingredient of 7-Day Purity Cleanse #1)
Perezia coerulescens Wedd.
(ingredient of Andean Serenity)
Piper alveolatum Opiz (Piper sp.)
(ingredient of 7-Day Digestive Cleanse #2)
Salvia sagittata Ruiz & Pav.
(Saliva real)
(ingredient of 7-Day Digestive Cleanse #2)
Sanguisorba minor Scop.
(ingredient of Andean Serenity)
Satureja revoluta (Ruiz & Pav.) Briq.
(Té de indio)
(ingredient of Muscle Joint Health Extract and
7-Day Urinary Cleanse #3)
Tessaria integrifolia Ruiz & Pav.
(Pájaro bobo)
(ingredient of 7-Day Digestive Cleanse #2 and GBDR Health Extract)
Rpt 72Ellaginol
(extract of red raspberry, Rubus ideaus L.)
(rich in ellagic acid)
Audax, Inc.4/27/00Filed without comment
Rpt 73
(see Rpt 41)
(polyphenolic seed extract of the evening primrose plant, Oenthera biennis)
Humanetics Corporation4/27/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 74Phaffia rhodozyman
(yeast product and source of the carotenoid astaxanthin)
(ingredient of AstaXin®)
Igene Biotechnology, Inc.5/4/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety for use with children or for long-term use.
Rpt 75Huperzine A
(Huperzia serrata extract)
NOW Foods5/23/00Filed without comment
Rpt 76 (part 1)
Rpt 76 (part 2)
(see Rpt 49)
Agaricus blazei Murrill extract
(Himematsutake extract)
Iwade Research Institute of Mycology Co. Ltd.5/23/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 77tall oil phytosterols
(ingredient of ReducolTM)
Novartis Consumer Health, Inc.6/19/00Filed without comment
Rpt 78
(see Sup 7)
Lactobacillus reuteri (strain ATCC 55730)McNeil Consumer Healthcare7/6/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety for use with infants and young children
Rpt 79Cotinine
(extract from Australian Corkwood Tree, Duboisia hopwoodii)
Pharmaco Behavioral Associates, Inc.8/4/00Not a dietary supplement
Rpt 80
(see Rpt 67)
Troxerutin Complex
(mixture of hydroxyethyl derivatives of the biflavonoid rutin of which troxerutin is a major component)
Nutratech, Inc.8/7/00Filed without comment
Rpt 81
(see Rpt 96)
(ingredient of Zeaxanthin 5% TG)
Roche Vitamins, Inc.8/8/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 82Mozuku Fucoidan or Fucoidan
(sea kelp extract)
Ocean Treasure Foods, Inc.8/17/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Sup 7
(see Rpt 78)
Lactobacillus reuteri (strain ATCC 55730)McNeil Consumer HealthcareN/ACompany letter stated that its dietary supplement was not intended for use by infants and children under 2 years of age.
Rpt 83
(see Rpt 68)
Diosmin Complex
(mixture of 90% diosmin & 10% hesperidin)
Nutratech, Inc.8/21/00Filed without comment
Sup 8
(see Rpt 1)
theobromineTinos LLCN/AFDA comment letter on Rpt 1
Sup 9
(see Rpt 4)
peptidaseSpecialty Enzymes and Biochemicals CompanyN/AFDA comment letter on Rpt 4
Sup 10
(see Rpt 5)
bark extract of the Pao Pereira tree,
Geissospermum vellosii
(Pao VTM)
VIVA (USA), Inc.
(later changed name to Natural Source International, Ltd.)
N/AFDA comment letter on Rpt 5
Sup 11
(see Rpt 6)
Trigonella foenum-graeceum L. (Fenugreek)
(debitterized and defatted powder from fenugreek seeds)
Kentucky Biosafety Consultants Inc.N/AFDA comment letter on Rpt 6
Sup 12
(see Rpt 15)
Huperzine A
(Huperzia serrata extract)
General Nutrition Corporation and Marco Hi Tech JV Ltd.N/AFDA comment letter on Rpt 15
Rpt 84
(see Let 4)
(Glucose Metabolism Modulator)
(extract from malted barley, poaceae, hordeum vulgare)
VanDrunen Farms/VDF FutureCeuticals9/6/00Not a dietary supplement
Rpt 85
(see Let 3)
(extract of Polygonum cupidatum)
Solgar Vitamin and Herb9/13/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 86Heme Iron Polypeptide (HIP)
(extracted from bovine red blood cells)
(brand names are Fenergy, Toraem or Proferrin)
Colorado Biolabs, Inc.10/17/00Filed with comment
Rpt 87
(see Rpt 95)
calcium salt of L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate
(folic acid derivative)
Merck KGaA10/12/00Inadequate basis for reasonable expectation of safety
Rpt 88Type II Collagen
(Colloral® Type II Collagen)
(from chicken sternal cartilage)
AutoImmune Inc.11/20/00Filed without comment
Sup 13
(see Rpt 8)
(Cordia boissieri D.C.)
Malabar Productos Naturales S.C. De C.V.N/AFDA comment letter on Rpt 8
(Gnaphalium berlandieri D.C.)
Rpt 89isoquercetin
Merck KGaA12/28/00Filed with comment
Rpt 90Salacia oblonga (Celastaceae) extractNutriScience Innovations, LLC12/22/00Not a dietary supplement
Let 3
(see Rpt 85)
(extract of Polygonum cupidatum)
Solgar Vitamin and HerbN/AComment letter from the company
Rpt 91
Rpt 91 (Attachment 1)
Rpt 91 (Attachment 2)
Rpt 91 (Attachment 3)
Rpt 91 (Attachment 4)
Rpt 91 (Attachment 5)
Rpt 91 (Attachment 6)
Rpt 91 (Attachment 7)
(see Rpt 61)
(complex of mainly humic and fulvic acids derived from Hungarian peat)
(ingredient of humifulvate complex (HFC) and Humet®-R syrup)
Corvina Natural Products, Inc.12/6/00Filed with comment
Rpt 92S-adenosylmethionine (SAM-e)
(synthesized from methionine and adenosine triphosphate (ATP))
Pharmavite Corporation2/8/01Filed with comment
Rpt 93N-Acetyl-L-Hydroxyproline (AHYP)
(Oxaceprol, ingredient of AHP 200®)
(amino acid derivative)
Kyowa Hakko U.S.A., Inc.2/9/01Not a dietary supplement
Rpt 94porcine relaxin
(hormone produced by ovaries of pregnant pigs)
Sky BioHealth Solutions, Inc.1/1/01Not a dietary supplement
Rpt 95
(see Rpt 87)
calcium salt of L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate
(folic acid derivative)
Merck KGaA3/13/01Filed without comment
Let 4
(see Rpt 84)
GMM (Glucose Metabolism Modulator)
(extract from malted barley, poaceae, hordeum vulgare)
VanDrunen Farms/VDF FutureCeuticalsN/ACompany request and FDA's response
Rpt 96
(see Rpt 81)
(ingredient of Zeaxanthin 5% TG)
Roche Vitamins, Inc.3/22/01Filed without comment


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