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Table 1
Reasons for Not Attending Seminars

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All Pilots  
I receive training from my employer 32%
Location is not convenient 21%
Scheduled class time is not convenient 15%
Material is not relevant to me 4%
I do not like the training format 1%
Instructors are not knowledgeable 0%
Some other reason 30%
Airline Transport Certificate  
I receive training from my employer 71%
Location is not convenient 8%
Scheduled class time is not convenient 7%
Material is not relevant to me 5%
Instructors are not knowledgeable 0%
I do not like the training format 0%
Some other reason 12%
Commercial Pilot Certificate  
I receive training from my employer 23%
Location is not convenient 22%
Scheduled class time is not convenient 18%
Material is not relevant to me 5%
I do not like the training format 2%
Instructors are not knowledgeable 0%
Some other reason 33%
Private Pilot Certificate  
Location is not convenient 31%
Scheduled class time is not convenient 21%
I receive training from my employer 2%
Material is not relevant to me 2%
I do not like the training format 2%
Instructors are not knowledgeable 0%
Some other reason 44%

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and FAA, Flight Standards Service, FAA-Sponsored Safety Seminar Program Survey, Principal Findings, Washington, DC.

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