Zarema Sultanbekova's story is exceptional: because of her strong performance as a Kloop journalist and editor, she participated in an exchange to the US and covered the 2012 presidential elections.
Eurasia Foundation will hold its annual gala dinner on Thursday, May 9, 2013, at the Willard Hotel in Washington, DC. The Honorable Robert B. Zoellick, president of the World Bank from 2007 to 2012, will deliver keynote remarks. The 2013 Sarah Carey Award also will be presented.
Ambassador Thomas Pickering, one of America’s most distinguished and longest serving diplomats, spoke to Eurasia Foundation’s Young Professionals Network at a private breakfast briefing on January 15, 2013.
Eight months ago, Sulae Rangusheva left her native Tajikistan and two young children for better employment opportunities in Russia. Now she eats only bread, with one loaf to last for three days, and sleeps in doorways because she has no home.
Women's Day
Gala Dinner
Pickering Meets YPN
Migrants in Russia

Our mission

We believe societies function best when people take responsibility for their own civic and economic prosperity. Through cooperation based on mutual respect, our programs equip citizens to define and achieve outcomes of enduring benefit to their communities.

Program spotlight

The Eurasia Foundation Network programs advance cross-border cooperation to address shared regional challenges with activities that promote closer cultural and business relations between conflicting countries.

Successful local development builds cooperation among the public and private sectors. These programs are removing governmental barriers to small business growth, providing employment assistance, training entrepreneurs and helping them gain access to capital.