, Now with 20% More Data!

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By Steven Randazzo | On Wed, 08/01/2012 - 4:35pm now features 20% more data! Recently added a number of new data sets ranging from mortality rates of infants to verified tuberculosis rates and much more.  In an effort to liberate and feature more government health data, is calling on the different agencies that comprise the Department of Health and Human Services to post more data than ever before on  The new data sets include data from the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (WONDER) database.  The WONDER database is a great database that helps promote information-driven decision making by placing timely, useful facts in the hands of health practitioners and researchers and provides the general public access to specific and detailed health information from the CDC. 

New data from the WONDER database featured on includes the Mortality – Multiple Cause of Death data, Mortality – Infant Deaths data and Online Tuberculosis Information System data. 

The Mortality – Multiple Cause of Death data are county-level national mortality and population data spanning 1999 – 2009.  Data is based on death certificates for U.S. residents and is updated annually.  The data can be sorted by place of residence (national, regional, state and county level), age group (including infants and single-year-of-age cohorts), race (four groups), gender, year of death, cause of death and a number of additional factors.

The Mortality – Infant Death data provides counts and rates for deaths of children under one year of age, occurring within the United States to U.S. residents. The data is taken from death certificates lined to corresponding birth certificates and is updated annually.  Data is available by state and county of mother’s residence, child’s age at death, year of death, underlying cause of death, gender, birth rate and a number of additional factors.  Data on infant death is available since 1995.

The Online Tuberculosis Information System contains information on verified tuberculosis vases reported to the CDC by state health departments, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico since 1993 and is updated annually. The Online Tuberculosis Information System reports case counts, incidence rates, population counts, percentage of cases that completed therapy within one year of diagnosis, and percentage of cases tested for drug susceptibility.  Data for 22 variables are included in the data set including, age group, race/ethnicity, sex, vital status, year reported, state, metropolitan area and some additional factors. 

There is a lot more WONDER data now, make sure to check it all out!

As more health data is liberated, it will be featured here on Some innovative applications have been developed with the use of public data; applications like My Cancer Genome, using the National Cancer Institute’s PDQ clinical trial registry and the Healthy Communities Network leveraging HHS’s Health Indicators Warehouse.  Be sure to check back for more data and more applications!

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