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  • Defense Sciences Office Solicitations

    DARPA-BAA-11-65: Defense Sciences Research and Technology, Response Date 2/07/2013 

    The mission of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is to pursue and exploit fundamental science and innovation for National Defense. Therefore, DSO is soliciting proposal abstracts and full proposals for advanced research and development in a variety of enabling technical areas. 

    DARPA-BAA-12-63: Program in Ultrafast Laser Science and Engineering (PULSE), Response Date 11/6/2012 

    The Program in Ultrafast Laser Science and Engineering (PULSE) seeks to enable efficient and agile use of the entire electromagnetic spectrum by linking it to the output of an ultrafast laser. The expected outcome of the program is to develop novel sources of radiation that improve upon existing state-of-the-art performance, size, weight, and power. In particular, PULSE aims to develop devices and techniques that will result in low phase-noise microwave oscillators, practical optical time/frequency transfer techniques, tabletop sources of high-quality secondary radiation and high flux isolated attosecond pulses, and other DOD-relevant applications. 

  • Information Innovation Office Solicitations 

    DARPA-BAA-12-29: I2O Office-Wide, Response Date 6/22/2013  

    DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals of interest to the Information Innovation Office. Proposed research should investigate innovative approaches that enable revolutionary advances in science, devices, or systems. Specifically excluded is research that results primarily in evolutionary improvements to the existing state of the art.

    DARPA-SN-12-51: Plan X Proposers’ Day Workshop, Response Date 9/18/2012  

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Innovation Office (I2O) will host a Proposers' Day in support of the anticipated Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Plan X program.   

    DARPA-BAA-12-54: Adaptive Radar Countermeasures (ARC), Response Date 9/12/2012  

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative research proposals in the area of adaptive radar countermeasures. The Adaptive Radar Countermeasures (ARC) program aims to develop the capability to counter adaptive radar threats in tactically relevant time frames based on over-the-air observable signals. An adaptive threat is defined as an adversary’s radar whose waveforms and behaviors are new, unknown, or ambiguous. Proposed research should investigate innovative approaches that enable revolutionary advances in science, devices, or systems. Specifically excluded is research that primarily results in evolutionary improvements to the existing state of practice. 

  • Microsystems Technology Office Solicitations

    DARPA-BAA-12-64: Microsystems Technology Office-wide, Response Date 9/1/2014 

    This announcement seeks revolutionary research ideas for topics not being addressed by ongoing MTO programs or other published BAA solicitations. 

    DARPA-BAA-12-53: Unconventional Processing of Signals for Intelligent Data Exploitation (UPSIDE), Response Date 10/12/2012 

    The UPSIDE program proposes an approach to compute-intensive data analysis using unconventional computation and data representations mapped to emerging new device technologies. By computing high level functions directly using the physics of the devices, we can expect orders of magnitude improvements in the power efficiency of these computations. 

    DARPA-BAA-12-50: Intrachip/Interchip Enhanced Cooling Fundamentals (ICECool Fundamentals), Response Date 9/13/2012 

    The ICECool Fundamentals thrust is the first step toward achieving the goals of the ICECool program and will develop the fundamental building blocks of intra- and interchip evaporative microfluidic cooling. ICECool Fundamentals will develop and demonstrate the microfabrication techniques needed to implement evaporative microfluidics in multiply-microchanneled semiconductor wafers and study, model, and correlate the thermofluidic characteristics of evaporative flows in such microchannel flow loops within individual chips and/or in the microgaps between chips in 3D stacks. 
    FAQ - Posted 9/5/12 

  • Strategic Technology Office Solicitations

    DARPA-BAA-12-09: Strategic Technology Office (STO) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), Response Date 1/12/2013 

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) Strategic Technology Office (STO) is soliciting innovative proposals under this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the performance of research, development, design, and testing that directly supports Strategic Technology Office (STO). This includes Finding Difficult Targets; Communications, Networks and Electronic Warfare; Shaping the Environment; and Foundational Technologies that support multiple STO focus areas.

    DARPA-BAA-12-46: Structural Logic Phase II, Response Date 12/10/2012 

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) Strategic Technology Office (STO) is soliciting innovative research proposals in the area of high performance structural systems. The fundamental objective of the Structural Logic Phase II program is to demonstrate the performance benefits of passively adaptive and simultaneously high stiffness and high damping structural systems in a high speed naval planning boat.  

    DARPA-BAA-12-26: Advanced RF Mapping (RadioMap) Program, Response Date 10/11/2012 

    DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals in the area of Radio Frequency (RF) situational awareness employing a heterogeneous sensor network, whose constituent devices include RF receiver/transmitters deployed for other purposes such as tactical radios, using an approach that facilitates extension of the network to incorporate additional device types and to support additional Electronic Warfare/Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (EW/ISR) applications. 
    Proposers Day Slides 

  • Tactical Technology Office Solicitations

    DARPA-BAA-12-25: Innovative Systems for Military Missions, Response Date 3/22/2013 

    The Tactical Technology Office (TTO) of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting executive summaries, white papers and proposals for advanced research and development of Innovative Systems for Military Missions. This solicitation seeks system and subsystem level technologies that enable revolutionary improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of the military.

  • DARPA has issued the following announcements. This list in no way replaces the official notifications which have appeared on FedBizOpps.

    FedBizOpps is the single government-wide point-of-entry for federal government procurement opportunities worth more than $25,000. DARPA has issued the following announcements. This list in no way replaces the official notifications which have appeared on FedBizOpps. FedBizOpps notices take precedence over the following information.

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