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Federal Election Commission



Equal Employment Opportunity

Welcome to the EEO Program


The Office of Equal Employment Opportunity advises and assists the Federal Election Commission and other principal officers of the Commission in carrying out their responsibilities relative to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, and other laws, executive orders, and regulatory guidelines affecting affirmative employment and the processing of EEO complaints. The legal statutory authorities and major functions of the EEO Office are:

Legal Authorities

EEO Complaints Program

The EEO complaints program processes informal and formal allegations of discrimination through EEO Counseling or ADR, EEO investigations, Final Agency Decisions, appeals compliance, case statistical analysis and reporting.

Any employee or job applicant who believes that he/she has been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or reprisal for prior EEO activity must contact an EEO Counselor within 45 calendar days of the alleged discriminatory act.

Affirmative Employment Program

The Affirmative Employment Program is responsible for promoting equal opportunity and eliminating discriminatory practices and policies by monitoring and analyzing the Commission's personnel polices, practices, and workforce profiles.

FEC Policy Statements

Special Emphasis Programs

The Special Emphasis Program is a management program. The program's primary objective is to identify barriers to the recruitment and advancement of special emphasis groups, devise solutions and draft plans to implement the solutions. The Commission's recognized special emphasis programs are:


No FEAR Act Statistical data related to Equal Employment Opportunity complaint activity at the FEC

No FEAR Act Authorities

Annual Issuance of the No FEAR Act

Limited English Proficiency

Contact Information

If you have any questions concerning this page or the EEO process feel free to contact the EEO staff at:


Confidential Inquiry Line, (202) 694-1229

EEO Office via TTY- (202) 273-5009

EEO Office Fax (202) 208-0366