Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)

Process Acceleration

There are three DoD initiatives designed to accelerate the commercialization of SBIR- and STTR-developed technologies into DoD acquisition programs or the private sector.

SBIR/STTR Fast Track

The DoD SBIR Program has implemented a streamlined Fast Track process for SBIR projects that attract matching cash from an outside investor for the Phase II SBIR effort (as well as for the interim effort between Phases I and II). The purpose is to focus SBIR funding on those projects that are most likely to be developed into viable new products that DoD and others will buy and that will thereby make a major contribution to U.S. military and/or economic capabilities.

Phase I projects that qualify under Fast Track may:

  • Receive interim funding of $30,000 to $50,000 between Phases I and II;
  • Be evaluated for Phase II award under a separate, expedited process; and
  • Be selected for Phase II award provided they meet or exceed a threshold of "technically sufficient" and have substantially met their Phase I technical goals (and assuming other programmatic factors are met), as described in Section 4.3.

Click here to see how to qualify for Fast Track.

SBIR/STTR Phase II Enhancement Program

To further encourage the transition of SBIR research into DoD acquisition programs as well as the private sector, each DoD Component has developed its own Phase II Enhancement policy. Under this policy, the Component will provide a Phase II awardee with additional Phase II SBIR funding if the company can match the additional SBIR funds with non-SBIR funds from DoD acquisition programs or the private sector.

Phase II projects that qualify under Phase II Enhancement may:

  • Extend an existing Phase II contract for up to one year and
  • Match up to $500,000 of non-SBIR/non-STTR funds, from either DoD non-SBIR Programs or from an outside investor, with SBIR funds . (Click here to see what qualifies as an outside investment.)

Phase II Enhancement requirements and matching rates vary by Component. See each Component's instructions in Section 8.0 of this solicitation and the Phase II Enhancement section of for details. Phase II Enhancement applications must be prepared and submitted through the DoD SBIR Submission websiteExternal Link.

Click here to see how to qualify for the Phase II Enhancement Program.

Commercialization Pilot Program

The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 authorized the Commercialization Pilot Program to accelerate the commercialization and fielding of capabilities by identifying and selecting projects that meet high-priority requirements, and by formalizing collaboration among small businesses, prime contractors, and DoD science and technology acquisition communities.

A project's inclusion in the Commercialization Pilot Program is by invitation and at the discretion of the DoD component. Commercialization Pilot Program participants may receive a variety of assistance services and/or opportunities to facilitate the transition of their projects. Click here for more information about the Commercialization Pilot Program.

If you have other questions regarding any of these programs, please contact the SBIR/STTR Help Desk or telephone 866-SBIRHLP (866-724-7457).