Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)

Get Involved

Participate in SBIR Topic Generation Process

Participating in the SBIR topic generation process provides an opportunity to explore innovative solutions for Program technical requirements during three SBIR solicitations and two STTR solicitations per year. DoD policy requires acquisition community endorsement of at least 50 percent of military department SBIR topics. Contact your Component SBIR manager for a schedule of when topics are due for upcoming solicitation cycles.

Assign an SBIR Liaison

While ACAT 1 and 2 programs are required to assign an SBIR liaison, it is recommended for all programs.

Address SBIR Technologies in the Acquisition Strategy

Integrate SBIR technologies into acquisition planning to build an acquisition strategy that includes the use of technologies developed under the SBIR program, and gives favorable consideration for continued development of successful SBIR technologies. A well developed strategy will capitalize on the innovation and agility of small business and will mitigate risk in developmental or existing systems. To search for applicable technologies solutions, DoD maintains an on-line, searchable database of SBIR-funded technologies.

Utilize Phase II Enhancement and Commercialization Pilot Program

Leverage the Phase II Enhancement program to provide for additional funds for promising SBIR technologies that require further development, test and evaluation to increase the Technology Readiness Level. Additionally, utilize the Commercialization Pilot Program to identify SBIR technology with the potential to rapidly address high priority military needs.

Consider Phase III Awards

Consider Phase III contract awards to fund work that derives from, extends or logically concludes prior SBIR efforts. Phase III contracts may be awarded without competition to further develop or acquire SBIR technologies.

Attend Beyond Phase II Conference and Technology Showcase

Attend the annual DoD SBIR Beyond Phase II Conference and Showcase to rapidly survey new prototype technologies and meet with small businesses representing their innovations. This conference showcases more mature SBIR technologies, typically Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 4-6 and beyond, and is an opportunity to leverage the entire DoD SBIR investment base. For more information visit the Beyond Phase II ConferenceExternal Link website.