2012 Annual Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts

Table Layouts for the 2012 Annual Revision News Releases

Table layouts described below for the July 27, 2012, gross domestic product news release and for the July 31, 2012, personal income and outlays news release are provided for the convenience of users who wish to make advance preparations for downloading estimates from the news releases soon after they appear on their release dates.  The tables available through the links below contain no estimates, but they show the format in which the tables will be released including column headers, stubs, and footnotes.

The actual news releases will appear in their usual locations on BEA’s Web site.

Table layout for the Gross Domestic Product News Release, July 27, 2012

This news release will introduce BEA’s 2012 annual revision of the national income and product accounts (NIPAs) which will cover the first quarter of 2009 through the first quarter of 2012, along with the “advance” estimate of GDP for the second quarter of 2012.  The ASCII file accessible below contains the headers and stubs for the gross domestic product news release tables that will be posted on BEA’s Web site on July 27.  The table headers contain the years and quarters for the estimates that will be presented in each table.  Complete headers and stubs are shown for the continuations of tables that are too wide to fit on one “page” or panel.

Table layout for the Personal Income and Outlays News Release, July 31, 2012

As part of the annual revision of the NIPAs, revised estimates of personal income and outlays for January 2009 through May 2012 will be released along with advance estimates for June 2012.

The ASCII file accessible below contains the headers and stubs for the personal income and outlays news release tables that will be posted on BEA’s Web site on July 31.  The headers show the years, quarters, and months for the estimates that will be presented in each table.  Complete headers and stubs are shown for the continuations of tables that are too wide to fit on one “page” or panel.