The Spectrum Technology Testbed Initiative (STTI) testbed is a federation of modeling and simulation (M&S) tools that provides a simulation-based analysis capability to evaluate the operational implications of relocating DoD spectrum dependent systems from the 1710 – 1755 MHz band to other radio frequency (RF) bands authorized for federal use. Operational implications are derived from the M&S of the equipment operating in dynamic operational scenarios, and are measured in terms of statistical distributions of interference levels and communications network performance statistics, such as percentage of lost packets. While the primary goal of the STTI testbed is to support the relocation of displaced systems, the testbed may also be used to evaluate new spectrum management concepts, techniques, and technologies.

The STTI testbed is being developed through a sequence of software releases. It integrates commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and government off-the-shelf (GOTS) M&S tools with standard models of DoD radio and communications systems and standard operational scenarios. The STTI testbed is designed for simultaneous use by multiple spectrum engineers and spectrum managers. DISA users operate the testbed on behalf of program/product managers to assist them with rapid, efficient creation and execution of complex dynamic simulation models and scenarios, and to provide them with desired outputs and a means to analyze the results.

Standard Features

In addition to the inherent features of the federated COTS and GOTS software, the STTI testbed provides the following additional features and capabilities:

  • Scenario Editor Capabilities
    • Enhanced Satellite Tool Kit scenario editing
    • Import, cull, and edit electromagnetic environment data
    • Integration of enhanced spectrum engineering service algorithms
    • Graphical user interface (GUI) for engineering models
    • GUI for physical layer models
    • Object editing
    • Scenario geo-location editing
    • Object grouping
    • Ability to interchange data and launch complimentary OPNET network models
    • Satellite objects
    • Click and drag trajectory data

  • Engineering Analysis
    • Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) prototype
    • DSA RF interference (RFI) into/from radio system
    • Monte-Carlo and parametric analyses
    • UAS capacity planning
    • Coverage Plots (desired signal level, signal-to-noise ratio, signal-to-interference ratio, and others.)
    • Dynamic RF/networking
    • Multiple Access (MA) self-interference
    • MA RFI into/from radio system
    • Frequency-Distance, Frequency-Angle, & Distance-Angle Curves
    • Required Separation Distance
    • Geo/Non-geostationary satellite RFI into/from radio system

  • Communication and Networking Models
    • Network protocol building blocks
    • Media Access Control layer building blocks
    • DoD waveforms
    • MA models
    • Physical building blocks and Bit Error Rate / Power Spectral Density libraries
    • Enhanced propagation models
    • Antenna models

  • Radar Models
    • Search radars
    • Tracking radars
    • Synthetic Aperture Radar (referred to as SAR) radars
    • Deterministic clutter radars
    • Stochastic clutter radars
    • Radar RFI into/from radio systems
    • Radar on radar interference

  • Simulation Engine
    • STTI Simulation Toolkit, referred to as SST
    • Modular OPNET

  • Optional Features (available, but not part of basic service offering): none.

Value to Our Mission Partners

Following enactment of the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act [Public Law 108-494], and the subsequent auction of the 1710 MHz to 1755 MHz radio frequency band to commercial Advanced Wireless Services, the DoD required tools to support the changes required to make the band available in the shortest possible timeframe. This required development of a testbed capable of simulating the complex electromagnetic environments which DoD systems encounter in actual operational conditions.

The STTI testbed assists program managers of relocating systems with relocation, band sharing strategies, issues related to alternative technical designs, and with quantifying the costs and risks to support relocation-associated decisions. The testbed is also capable of supporting a broader range of studies through the combination of individual M&S application capabilities, JSC databases, and a library of standard model components. These capabilities support general spectrum compatibility studies and simulations that include realistic effects of RF interference on mission performance. In addition, these capabilities support the assessment of spectrum efficiency and the operational impact of new technologies and new spectrum management techniques.

Rates/Pricing Information

  • Spectrum relocation analyses, for systems being migrated from the 1710-1755 MHz, are funded by the Spectrum Relocation Fund under the provisions of the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act. These analyses are provided free of charge to DoD customers.
  • Other spectrum analyses which may use the STTI testbed are provided by the JSC Applied Engineering Division (OS48) on a cost reimbursable basis. See Spectrum-related Applied Engineering for additional details and ordering information.

Additional Information

  • Additional information about spectrum relocation can be found on the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) website: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/legacy/osmhome/reports/specrelo/index.htm.
  • For information about the STTI testbed software, call
    • DSO Systems and Technology Branch (OS33) at 410-293-9265 / DSN: 281-9265.

How to Order

  • The STTI testbed software is not available for sale or distribution.
  • DoD customers desiring spectrum analyses using the capabilities of the STTI testbed should contact the Applied Engineering Division. If the analysis pertains to systems formerly located in the 1710-1755 MHz band, please include "Spectrum Relocation" in the title of your request.