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Census Bureau Tip Sheet

A product of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Information Office

Aug. 10, 2012 TP12-16


2010 Census

Summary Population and Housing Characteristics Reports (CPH-1) — This report series contains tables on age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, households, families, housing tenure and occupancy, population density, and area measurements. The lowest level of geography is the place level. There is a report produced for each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the United States. The reports are being released on a state-by-state basis. Reports have been released for several states so far and can be found at <http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/index.html>.

Population and Housing Unit Counts Reports (CPH-2) — This report series contains tables providing population and housing unit counts from the 2010 Census and selected historical censuses. Some tables also include area measurements and density. The lowest level of geography is the place level. There is a report produced for each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the United States. The reports are being released on a state-by-state basis. Reports have been released for several states so far and can be found at <http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/index.html>.


Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE): 2010 — A series of model-based estimates of health insurance coverage for all of the nation's states and counties. These estimates are the only source of single-year estimates of health insurance coverage for every county in the nation. They are produced by combining American Community Survey data with population estimates, administrative records and 2000 Census statistics. These estimates are available by sex, age groups, race and Hispanic origin (for states only) and income-to-poverty ratios. (Scheduled for release Aug. 29.)


Nonemployer Statistics: 2010 — Annual report on businesses without paid employees in nearly 450 industries for the nation, states, counties and metropolitan areas. Most who own such businesses are self-employed and operate very small businesses (for example, real estate agents or beauticians) that may or may not be their primary source of income. (Scheduled for release Aug. 14.)

2011 Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll Preliminary Data Release — This release shows statistics on the number of state and local government civilian employees and their gross payrolls for the month of March 2011. Statistics include government functions such as education, fire protection and police protection, which are available for the nation and individual states. (Scheduled for release Aug. 23.)

2012 Census of Governments: New Preliminary Counts of Governments — Preliminary counts of local governments will be released as the first component of the 2012 Census of Governments. Conducted every five years ending in “2” and “7” the Census of Governments provides the only uniform source of statistics for all of the nation's state and local governments. These statistics allow for in-depth trend analysis of all individual governments and provide a complete, comprehensive and authoritative benchmark of state and local government activity. (Scheduled for release Aug. 30.)

Profile America — Facts for Features

Halloween (Oct. 31) — This collection of Census Bureau statistics includes data from demographic and economic subject areas focusing on the customs associated with this holiday. (Scheduled for release Aug. 29.)



Profile America and Al Día (Spanish) for September — Upcoming segments include reading all about it in “First Newsboy” (Sept. 4).

The daily features are available at <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/>, with download options for MP3 (including podcast subscription) and WAV or zip files for the entire month (MP3).

Recently Released

(Released since July 27, 2012)

Web Transformation

Census Bureau Releases Its First Mobile App — Aug. 9 — The U.S. Census Bureau released its first-ever mobile app, called “America's Economy,” which sends economic trends, updates and the schedule of upcoming releases to smartphones and computer tablets. The app combines Census Bureau statistics with statistics from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Bureau of Labor Statistics presenting a live update of the nation's key economic indicators. The app is now available for Android users. It will be available for Apple users in the coming weeks. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/miscellaneous/cb12-149.html>.

State Facts for Students — Aug. 7 — Do you know how many amusement parks or toy stores are in your state, or when your state became a state? Learn the answers and more interesting facts from State Facts for Students. This interactive app allows younger students to use the list of states or click on a state in the map to grab their statistics. Each page also contains “History and I never knew it” information.

State Facts for Students is part of Census Bureau's Statistics in Schools program. The goal is to educate students about the value and everyday use of statistics in a contemporary and dynamic manner. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/schools/>.

2010 Census

2010 Census Alternative Questionnaire Experiment: Race and Hispanic Origin — Aug. 8 — The U.S. Census Bureau released the research results from the 2010 Census Alternative Questionnaire Experiment on race and Hispanic origin at a news conference at George Washington University. The research focused on improving the race and Hispanic origin questions by testing a number of different questionnaire design strategies. This is among the largest quantitative efforts ever done for race and Hispanic origin research, and this important research is part of the Census Bureau's planning for the 2020 Census.
Press kit page: <http://2010.census.gov/news/press-kits/aqe/aqe.html>.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/2010_census/cb12-146.html>.

2010 Modified Race Summary File — July 30 — This downloadable file, summary table and documentation shows the results of modifying the 2010 Census population from census race categories (which include "some other race") into those consistent with the Office of Management and Budget standard categories (white, black or African-American, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander). Release includes information for counties by Hispanic origin, 31 race groups and five-year age groups. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/miscellaneous/cb12-tps48.html>.


Economic Characteristics of Households in the United States: Second Quarter 2011 — Aug. 6 — This set of tables examines the role of government-sponsored benefit programs and the labor market among the nation's people and households within the economic climate of the second quarter of 2011. Specifically, it presents statistics on average monthly income, participation in government-sponsored social welfare or social insurance programs, and labor force activity during the period. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/sipp/tables/quarterly-est/household-char/hsehld-char-11.html>.


2011 Annual Survey of Public Pensions: State-Administered Defined Benefit Data — Aug. 9 — Provides an annual look at the financial activity of the nation's state-administered defined benefit retirement systems, including cash and investment holdings, receipts, payments, and membership information. Shows employee and government contributions as well as pension obligations. Statistics are shown at the national level and for individual states. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/governments/cb12-147.html>.

Profile America — Facts for Features

Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15) — Aug. 9 — During this monthlong observance, our nation celebrates the culture and traditions of U.S. residents who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, South America and the Caribbean. The Census Bureau joins in the celebration with this fact sheet presenting a range of updated statistics describing the demographic state of the nation's Latino population, including new statistics from the 2010 Census and statistics on Hispanic-owned businesses.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/facts_for_features_special_editions/cb12-ff19.html>.

Grandparents Day (Sept. 9) — July 31 — On this day intended to honor the nation's grandparents, the Census Bureau provides an array of demographic statistics about the role these caregivers play in the lives of our nation's youth. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/facts_for_features_special_editions/cb12-ff17.html>.

Unmarried and Single Americans Week (Sept. 16-22) — July 31 — The third full week of September recognizes the nation's unmarried Americans with an array of statistics about this group from the Census Bureau's demographic and economic subject areas. Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/facts_for_features_special_editions/cb12-ff18.html>.



Profile America and Al Día (Spanish) for July and August — Profile America segments included creating a buzz in “Mosquito Festival” (July 28) and the setting of “he Washington Star” (Aug. 7). Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio>.

“America by the Numbers” Segment Live on C-SPAN's “Washington Journal” — Nearly one in five people have a disability in the U.S. On Friday, July 27, Matthew Brault, a statistician in the Health and Disability Statistics Branch at the U.S. Census Bureau, discussed statistics about people with disabilities in the United States. Each Friday, C-SPAN's “America by the Numbers” segment features information from the federal statistical system. The program highlights the trends and allows the public to call in or email their views. More information on previous C-SPAN programs is available at <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/cspan/>.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/miscellaneous/cb12-tps47.html>.

News releases, reports, data tables and radio transcripts are available on the Public Information Office’s Web page at <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/>. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau’s Public Information Office at 301-763-3030 or 301-763-3691; fax 301-763-3762 or email PIO@census.gov.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office | PIO@census.gov | Last Revised: September 05, 2012