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Census Bureau Tip Sheet

A product of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Information Office

Sept. 11, 2009 TP09-19


American Community Survey

2008 Data Release — The U.S. Census Bureau will release data from the 2008 American Community Survey on Tuesday, Sept. 22. This release will include all one-year estimates from data collected in 2008 -- including income and poverty estimates. In addition to the full complement of social, economic and housing data, this release will also include estimates on health insurance coverage, marital history and veterans' service-connected disability ratings for the first time. These estimates will be available for the nation, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, every congressional district and all counties, places and metropolitan areas with populations of 65,000 or more. The data will be available Sept. 17 on an embargoed basis for media use.

The Foreign-Born Labor Force in the United States: 2007 — This analysis from American Community Survey data looks at the characteristics of the civilian foreign-born vs. native labor force population on topics that include educational attainment, occupation and industry. (Tentatively scheduled for release in September.)

2010 Census

Address Canvassing Operation Complete — The 2010 Census remains on track with completion of the field work required to verify residential addresses for the mailing of 2010 Census questionnaires next March. The operation, known as "address canvassing," required updating and verifying a list of more than 145 million addresses across the country and Puerto Rico. (Tentatively scheduled for release in September.)


America's Families and Living Arrangements: 2007 — Who are America's stay-at-home moms? Do they tend to have more or less education than mothers in the workforce? Are they younger or older? This report is based on a special tabulation using data from the Current Population Survey and the American Community Survey to provide a look at the basic trends in household and family composition. It shows state-level variation in the kinds of households children live in, such as married-couple families, unmarried-partner households and single-parent families. (Tentatively scheduled for release in late September/early October.)

The Hispanic Origin Population in the United States: 2007 and 2008 — National-level tabulations (42 tables) from the Current Population Survey on this population group by characteristics such as citizenship status, age, year of entry, poverty status and Hispanic origin type. Includes new tabulations on generation, mobility and health insurance status. (Tentatively scheduled for release September.)


2007 Economic Census: Mining Industry Series — This is a series of national-level data files on the mining sector (NAICS 21). These include data for industries such as crude petroleum, natural gas, gold, silver, iron, copper, lead, sand, gravel and others. The files provide data on the number of establishments, shipments, payroll, number of employees, value of product shipments and other data items by industry. (Tentatively scheduled for release in September.)

2007 State and Local Government Finances — Complete statistics on the financial activity of state and local governments from the 2007 Census of Governments. Aggregate data for every state cover revenues by type (taxes and federal aid), expenditures by character (current operations, capital outlay, payments to other governments), expenditures by function (welfare, health, education, natural resources), indebtedness, and cash and security holdings. (Tentatively scheduled for release in September.)

Facts for Features

Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 26) — Dig in to this feast of economic and demographic statistics pertaining to the menu of culinary delights consumed on Turkey Day. (Scheduled for release Sept. 24.)

American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month (November) — Presidents have signed proclamations to honor the nation's 4.9 million American Indian and Alaska Natives each year at this time. This group is younger and has larger families than the national population. (Scheduled for release in October.)

Veterans Day (Nov. 11) — Parades and speeches across the country, as well as a national ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, highlight this federal holiday. Some of the statistics from this day include the number of veterans in the country, their racial and ethnic backgrounds, and the number who vote. (Scheduled for release in October.)



Profile America and Al Día (Spanish) for September and October — Profile America is a daily, 60-second audio feature that uses interesting vignettes from key events, observances or commemorations for that day to highlight information collected by the Census Bureau. Upcoming segments include keeping it all in the family in "Grandparents Day" (Sept. 13) and avoiding a resource drain in "A Vital Appliance" (Oct. 7).

The September daily features are available at <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/>. October's features will be available online Sept. 25.

The URL for MP3 downloads, WAV files and subscription podcast access is <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/profile_america/>.
Profile America and Al Día daily features may be downloaded individually and for the entire month via zip files at <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/>.

Recently Released

(Since Aug. 28, 2009)


Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage: 2008 — Sept. 10 — The nation's official poverty rate in 2008 was 13.2 percent, up from 12.5 percent in 2007. Real median household income fell from $52,163 to $50,303, and the percentage of people without health insurance remained unchanged at 15.4 percent.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/income_wealth/cb09-141.html>.


2007 Economic Census: Utilities Industry Series — Aug. 28 — This is a series of national-level data files on the utilities sector (NAICS 22). These include data for industries such as electric power generation, natural gas distribution, water and sewage systems and others. The files provide data on the number of establishments, revenue, payroll, number of employees, value of product line revenue and other data items by industry. These data will be released through December 2009.
Internet address: <http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/IBQTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=&-ds_name=EC0722I3&-_lang=en>.

2007 Economic Census: Other Services (except Public Administration) Industry Series — Aug.28 — This is a series of national-level data files on the Other Services sector (NAICS 81). These include data for industries such as auto repair and maintenance, personal and laundry services, civic and social organizations and others. The files provide data on the number of establishments, receipts or revenue, payroll, number of employees, value of product line receipts or revenue and other data items by industry. These data will be released through October 2009.
Internet address: <http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/IBQTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=&-ds_name=EC0781I3&-_lang=en>.

Facts for Features

Halloween (Oct. 31) — Aug. 31 — This spookiest of nights, featuring the young and young-at-heart disguising themselves as ghosts, goblins and other outlandish characters, is the subject of a collection of Census Bureau statistics from demographic and economic subject areas.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/facts_for_features_special_editions/cb09-ff19.html>.



Profile America and Al Día (Spanish) for August — Profile America segments included responding to health beefs in “First Meat Inspectors” (Aug. 30) and answering the call in “First Telephone Operator” (Sept. 3).
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/>.


Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage: 2008 — Short sound bites from the annual news conference are available. This is when the Census Bureau reveals the nation's official poverty rate, as well as national income and health insurance data.
Internet address: <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/videos/census_operations.php>.

2010 Census: A New Portrait of America — Informational videos (including one in Spanish) addressing varied audiences and explaining how the 2010 Census will benefit people of every race and ethnicity are available. Testimonials describe the importance of a complete and accurate count and why the 2010 Census will be the most important count in our nation's history. It shows data collection operations in action. Running times vary (3-5 minutes).
Internet address: <http://2010.census.gov/mediacenter/portrait-of-america/index.php?v,n1>.

2010 Census B-Roll — Video documentation of census operations are available for use by broadcast media.
Internet address: <http://2010.census.gov/mediacenter/>.

Online Testimonial Gallery — Short statements of support for 2010 Census participation from key partners are available. Spokespersons stress the importance of answering the census questionnaire, the ease in responding and the benefits an accurate census brings to the nation and communities. Running times vary (generally 1-2 minutes).
Internet address: <http://2010.census.gov/mediacenter/testimonials/testimonials-partner/index.php?v,n22>.


Photos of 2010 Census operations in progress and to come can be found on the Census Bureau's photo site. Operations shown include address canvassing, the mailout of questionnaires, questionnaire drop-offs in rural areas (update/leave), and nonresponse follow-up, where enumerators visit housing units that have not mailed back a questionnaire.
Internet address: <http://2010.census.gov/mediacenter/>.

News releases, reports, data tables and radio transcripts are available on the Public Information Office’s Web page at <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/>. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau’s Public Information Office at 301-763-3030 or 301-763-3691; fax 301-763-3762 or email PIO@census.gov.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office | PIO@census.gov | Last Revised: September 05, 2012