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Census Bureau Tip Sheet

A product of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Information Office

December 8, 2006 TP06-25



Demographic Surveys

State Population Estimates: July 1, 2006 — Nevada has been the nation's fastest-growing state for 19 years running. Internet tables showing July 1, 2006, population estimates and components of change for the nation, states and Puerto Rico. These are the first state estimates to reflect the population movement resulting from hurricanes Katrina and Rita. (Tentatively scheduled for release mid-December.)

School Enrollment - Social and Economic Characteristics of Students: October 2005 — Annual update at the national level on the demographics of Americans age 3 and older enrolled in classes - from nursery school through graduate studies - as well as those in vocational training. (Tentatively scheduled for release mid-December.)

Consumer Expenditure Survey Data Collection Announcement — Information about how much Americans spend on items ranging from gasoline to groceries will be collected in January from about 7,000 randomly selected households across the country. The primary use of the data from this on-going survey is to revise the Consumer Price Index. Federal and state legislators also use the data in planning public assistance programs, and academic scholars use the data for market research, economic analysis and other studies. (Tentatively scheduled for release late-December.)

Thirty-five Years of Tracking Hispanic Ethnicity: Analysis of Current Population Survey Data Quality for the Question on Hispanic Origin, 1969 to 2004 (Working Paper No. 80) — Research examines the quality of Hispanic data from the Current Population Survey and the consistency of CPS results with external administrative information. The paper concludes with a recommendation concerning which Hispanic groups the Census Bureau should show in future data products. (Tentatively scheduled for release late-December.)

A Child's Day: 2003 — Only the third time the Census Bureau has examined what makes up a child's day, from eating breakfast with parents to watching television to participating in school activities. This is national-level data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation. (Tentatively scheduled for release early January.)


Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE): 2004 — These tables provide estimates of income and poverty for states and counties, as well as estimates of poverty and population for school districts. The estimates include median household income and the poverty rates of various age groups. The SAIPE program provides annual updates for the administration of federal programs and the allocation of federal funds to local jurisdictions. (Tentatively scheduled for release mid-December.)

American Community Survey

The American CommunityHispanics: 2004 — This report presents a portrait of the Hispanic or Latino population in the United States, and provides information on a number of characteristics (education, household type, income, commuting, etc.) based on data from the 2004 American Community Survey. Data are presented at the national level for selected Hispanic groups with populations of 250,000 or more (e.g., Guatemalans, Hondurans, Salvadorans, Colombians, Ecuadorians and Peruvians) in tables, charts and maps. (Tentatively scheduled for release mid-January.)


Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2007 — The 126th edition of this annual
government best-seller has hundreds of tables, with U.S. and international statistics coming from government and nongovernment sources. This cornucopia of facts has become a treasured resource for librarians and aspiring game-show contestants. (Tentatively scheduled for release mid-December.)

Facts for Features

Valentine’s Day — Chocolate, roses and jewelry. Each are traditional gifts exchanged on Feb. 14, as well as topics covered in this collection of Census Bureau demographic and economic statistics pertaining to this special day for lovers. (Schedule for release December 14.)

St. Patrick’s Day and Irish-American Heritage Month — It’s a bit o’ the Irish. You’ll feel like wearing green after you utilized this compendium of statistical information from the Census Bureau’s demographic and economic subject areas. The facts pertain to St. Patrick’s Day 2007 and Americans of Irish ancestry. (Tentatively scheduled for release late-December.)

Women’s History Month: March 2007 — From solder to entrepreneur, women play a variety of roles. We celebrate all these roles in March when we honor women with their own commemorative month. This fact sheet provides statistical information on women-owned businesses, women in the military and a whole host of other topics relating to women. Data come from the Census Bureau’s demographic and economic subject areas. (Tentatively scheduled for release late-December.)



Profile America and Al Dia (Spanish) for November/December — Upcoming segments include “The Founding of the Federal Reserve Board” (Dec. 23) and “Butter and Margarine” (Jan. 3). The entire set of January daily features will go live Dec. 29 at: <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/>.

Please note that Profile America and Al Dia CDs bear new features for added programming flexibility: alternate 60-second versions of daily features during the month. The December online and CD offerings include both 60- and 30-second cuts for random airings.

The URL for the daily or monthly mp3 downloads is the same for the page you use to establish subscription podcast access:
<http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/profile_america/>. This is where the proposed wav files will appear, as well.

Profile America and Al Dia daily features can all be auditioned and downloaded individually and — newly available — by the entire month via zip files at <http://www.census.gov/multimedia/www/radio/>.

Recently Released

(Since November 24, 2006)


Demographic Surveys

Dynamics of Economic Well-Being: Participation in Government Programs, 2001 Through 2003, Who Gets Assistance? — 12/8/06 — Internet address:

America Speaks: A Demographic Profile of Foreign-Language Speakers for the United States: 2000 — 12/28/06 — Internet address:

Facts for Features

African-American History Month — 12/5/06 — Internet address:

News releases, reports, data tables and radio transcripts are available on the Public Information Office’s Web page at <http://www.census.gov/newsroom/>. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau’s Public Information Office at 301-763-3030 or 301-763-3691; fax 301-763-3762 or email PIO@census.gov.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office | PIO@census.gov | Last Revised: September 05, 2012