ASA/NSF/BLS Fellowships

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in cooperation with the American Statistical Association (ASA), under a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), offers our Research Fellow Program. The program's objective is to facilitate collaboration between academic scholars and government researchers in survey methodology, statistics, economics, and social sciences. Research Fellows are provided the unique opportunity to address some of the complex methodological problems and analytic issues relevant to BLS programs. Fellows will conduct research in residence at BLS, use BLS data and facilities, and interact with BLS staff.

Fellowship applicants should have a recognized research record and considerable expertise in their area of proposed research. Applicants must submit a detailed research proposal, which will be evaluated on the applicability of the research to BLS programs, the value of the proposed research to science, and the quality of the applicant's research record. We encourage potential applicants to contact us before submitting a proposal to discuss how to best focus their work to meet BLS research needs. Qualified women and members of minority groups are especially encouraged to apply.

General Information

We are looking for professionals in the fields of statistics, mathematics, economics, survey methodology, behavioral science, and other related fields to participate in the ASA/NSF/BLS Fellowship Program. Fellows travel to our Washington, DC office to work directly with BLS staff on complex issues of significant interest to BLS, such as small area estimation, non-sampling error, or item imputation.

The short-term projects provide professionals with a unique and challenging experience outside their normal work environment. BLS gains input and solutions from experts with the specialized training and experience needed for these efforts.

We encourage applicants to contact BLS well in advance of the deadline to discuss potential projects.  Although not required, this early collaboration is very helpful in ensuring that the proposed project effectively addresses the complexities often encountered in BLS data. 

Fellows are reimbursed by the ASA and are on a guest worker arrangement with BLS. Salaries received by Fellows will be commensurate with their qualifications and experience. Fringe benefits, travel, and relocation support are negotiable. Arrangements can usually be made to retain fringe benefits with the permanent employer.

Who is eligible?

Applicants should have an established research record in their field. They must be affiliated with a U.S. institution, but do not need to be a U.S. citizen. U.S. government employees are not eligible. We will consider proposals from applicants working on their research independently or with a qualified graduate student.

What's the best way to find a suitable project?

We have listed possible research topics on our web site. In addition, there are ideas for projects on our “Challenging Research Issues” page.

We find the greatest benefit when applicants work with BLS staff members to identify a mutually agreeable project before submitting a proposal. Applicants who want to know if their area of expertise is needed at BLS should contact Jean Fox who can identify an appropriate BLS contact.

How long does a Fellowship last?

Fellowship appointments typically range from 4 to 6 months, but can last up to a year, subject to the availability of program funds. Appointment terms are flexible and can be full-time, part-time or split into multiple terms. Applicants should specify approximate dates for proposed projects.

Do Fellows have to come to Washington, DC?

We prefer this arrangement so that Fellows and BLS staff have an opportunity to learn from each other. Further, some BLS datasets can only be accessed on site. However, there is some limited flexibility regarding work and travel arrangements.

What does the Fellowship funding cover?

Budgets submitted for Fellowships may include the following:

  • Salary
  • Fringe benefits
  • Travel necessary for the work and to attend conferences
  • Travel to and from Washington, DC
  • Housing while in Washington, DC

Budgets may not include:

  • Indirect costs
  • Computer or software (these will be provided to Fellows for use while at BLS)
  • Books or other reference materials
  • Fees for dissemination of research
  • Meals

Fellows will have access to resources at BLS including technical support and library facilities. They will also have access to in-house databases and computer facilities including a laptop computer, a UNIX workstation, micro-to-mainframe communication links, and statistical software. Funds are available to accommodate specialized needs for software and hardware.

How do I apply?

See the ASA Brochure for specific information about where to send your application. You will need to provide the following:

  1. Curriculum vitae
  2. Names and addresses of three references
  3. A detailed research proposal that includes:
    1. A short descriptive project title
    2. An abstract (one-half page or less)
    3. A proposed project term (approximate dates)
    4. Background information on research topic, references, etc.
    5. A statement of relevant work already accomplished
    6. Proposed research with sufficient detail for evaluation of expected results
    7. The significance of expected results and the benefits to BLS
    8. The advantages of conducting the research at BLS
    9. Resource requirements (including salary, estimated relocation and travel expenses, and research support)

The application deadline is January 27, 2012. Final decisions will be made in the late Spring.

Contact Jean Fox, the BLS coordinator, for further information about the program.

Dr. Jean Fox
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Office of Survey Methods Research
2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Room 1950
Washington, DC 20212
Tel: (202) 691-7370

Where can I find more information?

For more information, see our brochure (PDF) on the American Statistical Association web site.


Last Modified Date: August 8, 2011