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United States Election Assistance Comittee

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EAC is committed to openness and transparency. The OpenEAC portal ( gives the public an opportunity to provide input on our Open Government Plan and efforts to promote transparency, public participation and collaboration. Here you can easily access high-value data sets, Freedom of Information Act information, grant amounts and recipients, and federal voting system certification information. You can also learn about our current open-government activities.

Current Activities

Below are a few examples of how we're working to make EAC more transparent and open:
  • Posting EAC data sets on

  • Releasing high-value data sets, including our biennial Election Day survey results, and making them available in multiple formats.

  • Holding roundtable discussions with groups of varied stakeholders to gather input on key initiatives.

  • Bringing together practitioners, academics, voter advocates, and manufacturers with differing perspectives to discuss election issues in public forums.

  • Developing a better Web site with improved site navigation and search tools.

  • Updating our Web site daily with commission documents, correspondence and news. 

  • Publishing a weekly e-mail newsletter about our recent activities that anyone can subscribe to.

  • Providing on-demand webcasts of our public meetings so more people can view them.

  • Inviting the public to comment on a variety of proposed policies and initiatives.


View EAC Data

High-Value Data Sets

Under the Help America Vote Act, EAC is responsible for collecting information about election administration issues and sharing that information with Congress, election officials and the public. Below are high-value data sets on how Americans have voted in recent federal elections.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Information

EAC's FOIA Reading Room contains our most frequently requested documents on topics such as commission policies and regulations, voting system testing and certification, and research on a variety of election topics.

EAC Grants and Payments

EAC provides information on all federal payments and grants disbursed by EAC to improve election administration in the 54 U.S. states and territories.

Voting System Testing and Certification

An enduring priority of EAC has been to make its federal voting system testing and certification program as transparent and open as possible. Below is just a sampling of the information we provide, from comprehensive voting system test plans and reports to manuals detailing every facet of the certification and lab accreditation process.



Visitor Comments

Owen Ambur said on Sunday, March 28, 2010 10:09:00 PM
It would be good to publish your open gov plan in conformance with the (open) Strategy Markup Language (StratML) standard (ANSI/AIIM 21:2009). It would also be good if candidates for elective office were expected to publish their platforms in StratML format. The purposes of the standard are outlined at If you have any questions about StratML or if I may be of assistance in helping you to implement it, please let me know. Owen Ambur Co-Chair, AIIM StratML Committee

Fred Bichl said on Sunday, March 28, 2010 2:03:51 PM
I would like to know for which proposed policies and initiatives you are seeking public comments, and how do I submit my comments. Also, how can I propose a new policy or initiative?

Reply from Election Assistance Commission
Fred, Thank you for your question. You can view all policies open for comment by clicking on the "Submit a Comment" link on EAC's homepage. Instructions on how to submit a comment are included with each policy. Members of the public can propose a new policy or initiative by sending a letter to our office at 1201 New York Avenue, N.W. Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005 or an e-mail to Please direct any correspondence to the Office of Communications.


Open Gov Comments

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US Election Assistance Commission 1225 New York Avenue, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 866-747-1471 (toll free) or 202-566-3100, Email:,

©2010 US Election Assistance Commission. All rights reserved.