BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

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Recommended FY 2011 SJS Program Awards

State Applicant 
Recommended Award
AL Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center
AK University of Alaska Anchorage
AZ Arizona Criminal Justice Commission
CO Colorado Division of Criminal Justice
CT Connecticut Office of Policy and Management
DE Delaware Statistical Analysis Center
DC District of Columbia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
FL Florida Department of Law Enforcement
GA Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
ID Idaho State Police
IL Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
IN Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
IA Iowa Department of Human Rights, Division of Criminal & Juvenile Justice Planning
KS Kansas Sentencing Commission
KY Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet
LA Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement
ME Maine Departement of Corrections
MD Maryland Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention
MA Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety
MI Michigan State University
MN Minnesota Department of Public Safety
MS The University of Southern Mississippi
MO Missouri State Highway Patrol
MT Montana Board of Crime Control, Montana Department of Justice
NE Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
NV Nevada Board of Regents, Nevada System of Higher Education
NH New Hampshire Department of Public Safety
NJ New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety
NM Regents of the University of New Mexico
NY New York Division of Criminal Justice Services
NC North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety
ND North Dakota Office of the Attorney General
OH Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services
OK Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation
OR Oregon Criminal Justice Commission
PA Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency
RI Rhode Island Public Safety Grant Administration Office
SC South Carolina Department of Public Safety
SD South Dakota Office of the Attorney General
TN Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
UT Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice
VT Norwich Studies and Analysis Institute
VA Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
WA Washington State Office of Financial Management
WV West Virginia Division of Justice and Community Services
WI Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance
WY University of Wyoming
  Total amount


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FY 2011 State Justice Statistics State Summaries

A | C | D | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W

Alabama ($67,912) The Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center’s Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) will conduct research on the nature and extent of violent offenses occurring in schools in Alabama by reviewing data collected by Alabama's UCR program. In addition, the SAC will continue to produce the following annual statistical publications that have proven useful to law enforcement officials, policymakers, academicians and the media: Crime in Alabama 2011, Domestic Violence in Alabama 2011, Juvenile Victims of Violent Crime in Alabama 2011, and Drug Arrests in Alabama 2011.

Alaska ($51,159) The Alaska Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) will use funds to expand Alaska's Justice Information Exchange Model (JIEM) site to compliment the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) which will allow for the sharing of criminal history information locally and nationally. The project will make datasets, XML schemas, meta-data, and IEPD's available to criminal justice agencies through the SAC website. Authorized agencies and personnel will be invited to share in the use of the process and information resulting from the project. Funds are also requested to assist the SAC in its efforts to collect and report arrest-related death information to BJS on an annual basis.

Arizona ($92,463) The Arizona Criminal Justice Commission (ACJC) will use funds to collaborate with Arizona State University's School of Criminology and Criminal Justice to conduct a 2011 statewide crime victimization survey. Approximately 2,500 telephone interviews will be completed to capture self-reported victimization information and related data. Findings will be detailed in a comprehensive report that will be made available through the ACJC website. Two one-page briefs summarizing project findings and the reporting of victimization to the police will also be published to enhance the use of the data and inform criminal justice policy and practice.

Colorado ($40,395) The Colorado Division of Criminal Justice plans to continue the collection of data for the Deaths in Custody study and provide the information to BJS on an annual basis. SAC staff also intends to continue work with the Commission on measuring sentencing reform, as well as perform a cost-benefit analysis of the reduction of penalties for certain substance abuse crimes. Out-of-state travel expenses are being requested for the SAC Director to attend the spring 2012 Meeting of State Criminal Justice Agencies in Washington, DC. Awarded funds will also be used to produce the SAC's criminal justice newsletter, Elements of Change.

Connecticut ($65,000) The Connecticut Statistical Analysis Center will use funds to: 1) obtain statewide data occurring in the process or pursuit of arrest pursuant to the Deaths in Custody Reporting Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-297); 2) continue to analyze and produce an annual report on correctional population forecasting; 3) continue to produce a monthly correctional indicators report to monitor trends in admissions and releases from the correctional population to assess and evaluate the implications as they affect the statewide policy to reduce prison and jail overcrowding; and 4) facilitate ongoing meetings of the Connecticut Criminal Justice Advisory Commission.

Delaware ($60,000) The Delaware Statistical Analysis Center will use funds to complete the following activities: 1) obtain statewide data on deaths occurring in the process or pursuit of arrest; 2) continue to maintain criminal justice system performance measures; and 3) conduct a recidivism project analyzing criminal history records and Department of Corrections’ treatment records.  Funds will also be used for in-state travel to collect data and out-of-state travel to the spring 2012 Meeting of State Criminal Justice Agencies in Washington, DC.  

District of Columbia ($60,000) The District of Columbia Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) located in the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council will use funds to collect and analyze data on the District’s juvenile justice system. The SAC will identify and outline the juvenile justice data currently being analyzed across the various initiatives operating within the District.  In addition, the SAC will complete quantitative research for projects associated with juvenile justice system activities taking place across the District; identify best practices nationwide for conducting comparative analyses across initiatives; and conduct objective analyses to facilitate planning processes and policy development.     The SAC will produce comprehensive scholarly reports that detail the identified juvenile justice trends and white papers that outline trends and recommendations to help inform stakeholders and policymakers on evidence-based practices correlated with reductions in juvenile crime.

Florida ($70,000) The Florida Statistical Analysis Center will use funds to analyze the state’s criminal history records as they relate to the capturing of arrests for Violations of Probation (VOP) to assist the Florida Repository in achieving its data quality mission.  The analyses will focus on the evaluation and analysis of the VOP records and the impact on the timeliness of case processing and the completeness of disposition reporting. A report describing the results of the evaluation and analysis of the VOP process will be produced for policy makers and the criminal justice community to provide feedback on the status of the Criminal History Records Repository in Florida.

Georgia ($61,811) The Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council’s Statistical Analysis Center will use funds to support contractual services to assess the impact of enacted legislation related to mandatory minimum laws for conviction of serious offenses including murder, rape, armed robbery, aggravated child molestation, and voluntary manslaughter. The study will evaluate the legislation's effectiveness in reducing crime and recidivism rates of those offenders released without community supervision to follow. The analysis will focus on three main research areas: 1) Offenders who were released without any supervision (probation or parole); 2) Offenders who were released without any supervision but participated in a Corrections Transition Program; and 3) Offenders who had some supervision either through a split sentence or a sentence that was of greater length than the minimum. A detailed report outlining the major findings will be completed and made available to state policymakers to help inform decisions as they contemplate changes to Georgia's criminal justice system.

Idaho ($50,000) The Idaho Statistical Analysis Center (ISAC) will use funds to complete several activities: 1) redesign the ISAC website to include mapping capability; 2) develop a performance measurement tool to address public safety concerns in the state; and, 3) provide technical assistance and evaluation support to other criminal justice agencies conducting research projects. Funds will also be used to conduct a special data collection on justice issues occurring in Indian country. Data will be obtained from the Montana Statistical Analysis Center regarding crime occurring on Native American Reservations in Idaho. The project will specifically address the prevalence of domestic and family violence issues on the Reservation.

Illinois ($72,646) The Illinois Statistical Analysis Center (SAC), located in the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, plans to develop a new web-based analysis tool to allow users to explore the criminal history patterns of prisoners admitted to the Illinois Department of Corrections over the last decade. The Adult Criminal History Analysis Tool can assist the Illinois Sentencing Policy Advisory Council in answering central questions regarding impact of current and future sentencing policies on scarce correctional resources. The SAC will also continue to compile reports from local police agencies on deaths occurring in the process or pursuit of arrest pursuant to the Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-297) and submit data quarterly to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Indiana ($50,000) The Indiana Criminal Justice Institute’s (ICJI) Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) will  assist the Judicial Technology and Automation Committee (JTAC) with making enhancements to ICOR (Indiana On-line Court Reporting) that will improve the collection and publishing of data for all case types including criminal cases. The project's primary focus will be to enhance and increase access to court data. JTAC will work to improve the current Internet infrastructure, enhance the user experience, improve security, increase the amount of criminal data submitted electronically, and make corresponding website enhancements. Funds will also be used toward the SAC Director's travel expenses to attend the JRSA spring 2012 Meeting of State Criminal Justice Agencies in Washington, DC.

Iowa ($75,000) The Iowa Statistical Analysis Center will fund the following activities to enhance the abilities of state and local policy makers to develop, access, understand and utilize data on justice issues of relevance: 1) conduct a correctional study to provide a sound, statistically based forecast of Iowa's prison population and to maintain an objective methodology for simulating alternative correctional devices based on specific changes in laws, policies or practices; 2) provide information to BJS on arrest-related deaths pursuant to the Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-297); 3) establish data collections reports to develop and implement policies to reduce the rate of school-related referrals of minority youth to juvenile courts; and 4) continue to identify persons arrested in Iowa who possessed a firearm while ineligible to do so under federal law and/or who are engaged in illegal gang-related activity, compile summaries of each such arrestee's criminal history from all available data sources, and forward the summaries to the U.S. Attorneys' Office so that the arrestee can be evaluated for possible federal prosecution.

Kansas ($50,000) The Kansas Sentencing Commission’s (KSC) Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) will use funds to collect data for the Deaths in Custody study and provide the information to BJS annually. In addition, the SAC will use funds to continue its drug policy study. The SAC plans to continue collecting, analyzing, and reporting statistics on alternative sentencing to determine the impact on the following areas: recidivism, incarceration as punishment for non-violent drug offenders, and state resources attributed to this program. The agency will expand the scope of the evaluation to add demographic data on women and race. Also, the agency will develop methods to identify the particular drug usage of those convicted. Findings will be presented in several reports that will be submitted to the Kansas Sentencing Commission, as well as the State Legislature, for review and discussion in recommending policy changes and determining the cost/benefit of the treatment programs. The reports will also be made available on the SAC's website.

Kentucky ($60,000) The Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet's Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) plans to conduct the following activities:  (1) use data from past crime victimization surveys to complement other SAC activities and reports; (2) collect statewide data on deaths occurring in the process or pursuit of arrest; and, (3) publish the Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics for the Commonwealth, as well as produce a report on hate crimes and incidents occurring in the Commonwealth.  The SAC also plans to develop and improve performance measures to assess progress in addressing public safety and administration of justice goals; assess and report on the results of Kentucky's upcoming criminal justice systems review; and, support the general operations of the SAC.

Louisiana ($50,000) The Louisiana Statistical Analysis Center will use funds to:  (1) conduct research and special analyses using incident-based reporting data; (2) produce a study on Louisiana's sentencing practices; and, (3) collect and report data on the Disproportionate Minority Contact of juvenile and adult offenders in Louisiana's criminal justice system. Funds are also requested for in-state travel to collect data and out-of-state travel to the spring 2012 Meeting of State Criminal Justice Agencies.

Maine ($74,950) The Maine Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) plans to conduct projects under the following 2011 program themes: Data Collection and/or Research Examining a Special Topical Area and Performance Measurement. The SAC plans to conduct a survey to study the impact of substance abuse on state and local public health systems. The report will mainly focus on alcohol and drug offending, as well as recidivism trends. Findings from the report will shed light on the state's drug problem and help policymakers in Maine target, address, and reduce activities involving alcohol and drug offending, plus drug addiction in the state. The SAC also intends to develop and disseminate a juvenile justice data book to aid the state in measuring trends in crimes committed by juveniles. The data book will be published and provided to state agencies, coalitions, and community groups for use in developing best practices and public policy for the state.

Maryland ($71,982) The Maryland Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) will use funds to conduct a variety of research tasks to include: 1) enhancing the SAC website to include updated UCR data, additional research and legislative reports, and links to other criminal justice resources; 2) conducting a longitudinal study to track statewide recidivism statistics; 3) assisting state agencies with the development and improvement of relevant performance measures; and 4) providing support with domestic violence research, program, and policy analysis. Additionally, the SAC will use funds to collect and submit data to BJS on arrest-related deaths and complete ad-hoc reports on priority criminal justice issues that emerge during the project period.

Massachusetts ($69,981) The Massachusetts Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) will use funds to conduct the following activities: 1) analyze intake data from the Massachusetts Department of Corrections to assess the incoming offender population and identify underlying demographic characteristics including age, race, gender, education and employment background, and substance abuse history to inform policymakers in their resource allocation decisions regarding corrections expenditures; and 2) assess the current status of Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping in local jurisdictions and identify police departments using best practices in order to inform police departments throughout the state about the full potential and benefits of GIS-based crime analysis. The SAC will produce and publish reports detailing the research and findings.

Michigan ($59,066) The proposed study is a continuation of the 2007, 2009, and 2010 Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative projects. The Michigan State University Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) will complete the final phase of the project. Requests to the Michigan Department of Corrections will be made to gain 2-year post-release follow-up data on recidivism. Recidivism measures will be primarily defined by re-incarceration. All of the data will be examined for relevant patterns. A final report will be submitted detailing the University's findings. The document will be used by public officials to better understand the reentry process, and the challenges and obstacles the offenders face upon reentering society. In addition, the report will help policymakers improve Michigan's Prisoner Reentry Initiative.

Minnesota ($74,267) The Minnesota Statistical Analysis Center, housed in the Office of Justice Programs within the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, will conduct the following projects: 1) continue an evaluation of pre and post data collected from over 50 Youth Intervention Programs in the state; 2) expand the disproportionate minority contact data collection and analysis of findings to educate a wider audience about minority overrepresentation in Minnesota’s justice system; and 3) collect and analyze data on human trafficking in Minnesota as identified by service providers, law enforcement, and county attorneys.

Mississippi ($54,226) The Mississippi Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) plans to conduct projects under the following 2011 program themes: Deaths in Police Custody Reporting and Increased Access to Data.  The SAC will continue the statewide collection of data regarding deaths in custody. Agencies will use the CJ-11 forms to report arrest-related death information, and forward completed forms to the SAC for yearly submission to BJS. Funds will also be used to enhance the SAC's website with information from current state data collections and criminal justice studies, as well as links to other criminal justice websites.

Missouri ($59,861) The Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) will conduct a requirements analysis for the development of a business intelligence (BI) dashboard component for the SAC website. The project will be conducted in two phases. In Phase I, the selected contractor will review and document business requirements to identify specific criminal justice and traffic safety statistics, dimensions, and visual representations to be implemented on the BI dashboard. Technical documentation to be provided by the contractor will fully describe statistical transformation processes and storage. In addition, dashboard user roles and security, testing, and quality assurance requirements for production release will be documented. The implementation plan will be the basis for a future grant request to fund Phase II of the dashboard project.

Montana ($65,986) The Montana Board of Crime Control’s Statistical Analysis Center  will use funds to advance its understanding of the prevalence of disproportionate minority contact (DMC) in the state. Grant funds will support comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analyses to investigate the reasons why patterns of DMC exist at various decision points within the state and assess the differences in DMC by county and decision point. The final deliverable will be a report outlining the findings and recommendations to assist in the development of effective intervention plans and strategies to address DMC.

Nebraska ($47,022) The Nebraska Statistical Analysis Center located in the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice will use funds to conduct the following activities: 1) provide information to BJS on arrest-related deaths pursuant to the Deaths in Custody Reporting Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-297); and 2) collect and analyze data on traffic stops to report to the state Legislature on potential incidents of racial profiling.

Nevada ($72,185) The Nevada Statistical Analysis Center (SAC), located within the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, will use funds to conduct a telephone-based criminal victimization survey to a representative sample of approximately 3,500 residents from all 17 counties who are at least 18 years old. The survey will measure the estimated prevalence of victimization experienced by state residents. A report describing the research and results will be completed and posted to the SAC website.

New Hampshire ($50,000) The New Hampshire Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) will use funds to develop a comprehensive National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) data structure by further increasing the number of law enforcement agencies that report NIBRS data. Enhanced NIBRS reporting will increase the accessibility of dynamic crime data and enable the SAC to complete customized reports and evaluate priority research themes such as family violence and sexual assault. The SAC will provide the necessary hardware and software to select law enforcement agencies to equip them to report NIBRS data. Increased NIBRS reporting will also improve the SAC's ability to analyze and publish more accurate and timely crime data.

New Jersey ($50,000) The Statistical Analysis Center program is administered through the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice, Research and Evaluation Section. With funds from the 2011 State Justice Statistics Program, staff from the Data Analysis Center will continue to utilize Promis/Gavel and Computerized Criminal History (CCH) records to meet the policy needs of the criminal justice community by providing data to law enforcement, prosecutors, the judiciary, corrections, and the legislature. Activities include: (1) providing recidivism data to the Department of Corrections and the Juvenile Justice Commission; and (2) operating as a clearinghouse for criminal justice information.

New Mexico ($65,000) The New Mexico Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) will use funds to develop a data sharing plan and related procedures for collecting and reporting deaths in custody information. The SAC also plans to develop New Mexico's first statewide victimization survey and neighborhood and crime survey of Albuquerque. Creation of the surveys will provide an overview of statewide criminal behavior, as well as examine the relationship between neighborhood dynamics and criminal violence locally. In addition, the SAC is requesting funds to identify projects to be developed for publication and presentation, specifically those related to domestic violence protection orders and reentry.

New York ($127,630) The New York Statistical Analysis Center, located within the New York Division of Criminal Justice Services, will use funds to conduct the following projects: 1) collaborate with BJS on a two-year project to analyze national RAP sheets dating from the mid-1970s to document the historical patterns in the law-violating behavior of juvenile offenders; 2) prepare monthly analytical reports of performance measures derived from the statewide CrimeStat program; 3) track changes in criminal system processing and diversion to treatment at both the state and local levels to determine the impact of New York's new Rockefeller Drug Laws on issues such as plea practices and sentencing outcomes; 4) extract 2011 domestic violence homicide data from the Uniform Crime Report's Supplemental Homicide Reporting file and compare findings to earlier years; and 5) provide ongoing training and technical assistance to the County Re-entry Task Force (CRTF) staff to facilitate the receipt of timely and accurate case-level data and prepare profiles of CRTF participants to inform decisions regarding case management and supervision.

North Carolina ($55,616) The North Carolina Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) will conduct the following activities: 1) analyze inmate release data to determine where inmates are returning to once released from prison; 2) conduct an examination of mental health issues among domestic violence shelter residents to assist the shelter staff with identifying gaps in service availability and improve referral procedures; 3) continue updating and expanding the SAC website; and 4) attend and participate in the BJS/JRSA sponsored conference of criminal justice agencies.

North Dakota ($59,779) The North Dakota Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) functions as part of the Information Services Section of the Bureau of Criminal Investigation, located within the North Dakota Office of the Attorney General. The SAC will use funds to develop a web form for use by local law enforcement agencies to key and submit their National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) data to the state repository. The development of this web form and replacement of the PC software will enable the SAC to conduct detailed analyses on additional priority topics, including incidents of domestic violence, cargo theft, gang activity, and Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA) reporting.

Ohio ($53,341) The Ohio Statistical Analysis Center located in the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS), a division of the Ohio Department of Public Safety, will conduct the following activities: 1) provide information to BJS on arrest-related deaths pursuant to the Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-297); 2) continue to make enhancements to the OCJS website to provide the public with the latest research, evaluation, and statistics; 3) continue to generate reports using Ohio's incident-based reporting system; 4) continue involvement with the Attorney General's Commission on Human Trafficking as part of the research subcommittee; 5) continue to serve as an information clearinghouse handling information requests for OCJS; and 6) collect and analyze data on prescription drug investigations and arrests from drug tasks forces throughout the state and present the findings to the Ohio Task Force Commander's Association.

Oklahoma ($75,000) The Oklahoma Statistical Analysis Center, located within the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, will conduct the following activities: (1) collect and report statewide data on deaths occurring in police custody and develop formal policies and procedures for ongoing reporting to BJS; (2) create a web tool that enables the public to download crime datasets in a user-friendly format; and (3) complete a statewide crime victimization survey to provide estimates of crime victimization in Oklahoma. 

Oregon ($72,000) The Oregon Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) is situated within the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission (CJC), the State Administering Agency. The SAC will use funds to complete the following activities: 1) support the SAC Director's continued efforts to advance the state's use of the cost-benefit model developed previously by the SAC to inform the state legislature of the impact of sentencing changes as well as investments in evidence-based programs; 2) contribute to a comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of drug courts within the state by analyzing court and arrest records to determine the best measure of recidivism; 3) continue efforts to integrate data across the criminal justice system to increase the accessibility of data and evaluate outcomes of various programs; and 4) continue efforts to update and enhance the SAC's website.

Pennsylvania ($73,000) The Pennsylvania Statistical Analysis Center, located within the Pennsylvania Commission of Crime and Delinquency (PCCD), will use funds to continue the enhancement of the PCCD website.  Grant funds will support the creation of web-based interfaces that will allow users to run interactive, aggregate level data queries against Pennsylvania's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) flat files. This project will increase access to data and better position PCCD to meet its legislative mandate to serve as a clearinghouse and repository for adult and juvenile justice information. Additionally, the SAC will use SJS funds to create a performance scoreboard and digital dashboard to support the development and monitoring of key performance measurements for state and county level justice programs. This project will equip justice officials with additional tools to make informed, data-driven policy, programmatic, and budgetary decisions.

Rhode Island ($50,000) The Rhode Island Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) will use funds to continue efforts to: 1) collect and analyze data on the nature and characteristics of juveniles detained in the state to monitor the state's compliance with the core protections under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act and inform policy in this area; 2) obtain statewide data occurring in the process of arrest or in pursuit of arrest pursuant to the Deaths in Custody Reporting Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-297); and 3) update and enhance the SAC website to include additional data resources, reports, and graphical representations especially related to domestic violence statistics and violent deaths occurring within the state.

South Carolina ($60,653) The South Carolina Statistical Analysis Center (SAC), located within the South Carolina Department of Public Safety, will conduct the following activities: 1) publish the annual "South Carolina Criminal and Juvenile Justice Trends" report; 2) update with current trend data two South Carolina Incident-Based Reporting System (SCIBRS) five-year trend reports on domestic and sexual violence; 3) link intake data regarding domestic violence offenders with state Computerized Criminal History (CCH) records to assess the effectiveness of the Compass for Carolina intervention program to prevent further domestic violence as compared to a control group of nonparticipants; 4) continue to serve as a point of contact for the Arrest-Related Deaths data collection; 5) update and expand the SAC website; and 6) facilitate and partially support a State Institutional Review Board (IRB) to review any research projects that involve human subjects or identifiable data elements relating to human subjects.

South Dakota ($29,844) The South Dakota Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) is a component of an operational unit of the South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation. The SAC proposes to use funds to conduct the following activities: (1) continue efforts to compile and submit to BJS data on deaths occurring in the process of arrest; (2) access and analyze criminal history records to prepare reports on priority research themes, including analyses on domestic violence, drug abuse control and monitoring, and drug diversion cases; (3) conduct an analysis of the 2010 National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) data to provide detailed information for Group A and Group B offenses; and 4) continue to function as the state clearinghouse for criminal justice statistical data and complete ad-hoc, issue-specific reports throughout the award period as requested.

Tennessee ($58,115) The Tennessee Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) plans to continue the enhancements to the SAC website with the expansion of incident-based data to the Tennessee Crime On-line section. The project will include modifying jurisdiction dimension information and contracting with Beyond 20/20 to build a tool to allow the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation easier maintenance of data in the reference file. Funds will also be used to expand the NIBRS codes for property and location in the Tennessee Incident-Based Reporting System. The additional data codes and edits will conform to the national standard developed by the FBI and allow for more specific location types including a more detailed breakout of school types and public property types.
Utah ($50,000) The Utah Statistical Analysis Center  will use funds to: (1) obtain statewide data on deaths occurring in the process of arrest or in pursuit of arrest pursuant to the Deaths in Custody Reporting Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-297) and submit data to BJS; (2) perform an in-depth analysis of community corrections issues and outcomes and present findings in a report to criminal justice professionals and interested groups to inform decisions on sentencing, incarceration, and community supervision policy; and, (3) update the SAC's cost-benefit analysis tool to use in evaluating the effectiveness of existing programs and inform decisions regarding future programs.

Vermont ($75,291) The Vermont Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) is located in Vermont Center for Justice Research administered by the Norwich Studies and Analysis Institute. The SAC will use funds to complete activities to support two state initiatives currently being implemented. The first project will support activities related to the evaluation of the state's Integrated Domestic Violence Docket, an initiative aimed at the timely arraignment of cases, provision of mental health and substance abuse assessments, high intensity supervision, and intermediate sanctions for technical probation violations. The SAC will contribute to this project by conducting a process evaluation and a comprehensive statewide cost-benefit analysis of the criminal justice system. The SAC's second project will support the implementation of an innovative "Quick Hit" pilot project to reduce recidivism. Specifically, the SAC will: 1) develop a knowledge base of evidence-based practices to serve as the basis of the "Quick Hit" initiative; 2) conduct a preliminary outcome evaluation of the program; and 3) conduct a process evaluation.

Virginia ($67,926) The Virginia Statistical Analysis Center (SAC), located within the Department of Criminal Justice Services, Criminal Justice Research Center, will use funds to complete the following activities: 1) continue efforts to collect and submit to BJS data on deaths occurring in the pursuit or process of arrest; 2) conduct research using incident-based reporting (IRB) data  to prepare comprehensive, analytical reports to illustrate the advantages of using IRB data in place of summary uniform crime reporting data; and 3) continue its efforts to build on its experience analyzing NIBRS data to develop a system for regularly identifying, tracking, and reporting data on domestic violence incidents. The SAC's findings will be used to inform state officials, policymakers, and practitioners to better understand and identify ways to combat domestic violence.

Washington ($58,177) The Washington Statistical Analysis Center (SAC), located in the Human Services Section of the Washington State Office of Financial Management’s Forecasting Division.  The SAC will use funds to undertake efforts to promote transparency in government operations and information by improving the accessibility to data and information. The SAC staff will work with the Department of Social and Health Services' Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration to identify key juvenile justice data for posting to the SAC website and the CrimeStatsOnline query system. The SAC will add additional data sources to the website and create a criminal justice dashboard for easy access to key criminal justice and safety measures. Other data series will also be evaluated for possible inclusion in the SAC's CrimeStatsOnline system including the Death in Custody Reporting Program and other public safety-related information.

West Virginia ($73,050) The West Virginia Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) is located in the Division of Justice and Community Services, the state criminal justice planning agency. The SAC will use funds to complete activities related to three projects: 1) continue to serve as the state point-of-contact for the Arrest-Related Deaths program, conduct follow-up research on each death reported by the Chief Medical Examiner, and report data to BJS; 2) assess the impact of the West Virginia Offender Reentry Initiative's impact of pre-release programming on prisoner outcomes and examine factors that predict recidivism rates; and 3) support the implementation of an online or web-based state Level of Service/Case-Management Inventory system to provide an online standardized risk and needs assessment tool to help guide decisions on sentencing, supervision, and treatment of offenders entering the system and returning to the community.

Wisconsin ($58,448) The Wisconsin Statistical Analysis Center will use funds to build an online application to allow law enforcement agencies to electronically enter Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) data directly to the Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance. The application would provide the capability to not only enter UCR data, but also to validate the information provided and prepare reports. The application would allow all participating law enforcement agencies the ability to query and download their data 24 hours a day.

Wyoming ($74,882) The Wyoming Statistical Analysis Center, housed in the University of Wyoming, will conduct a study that will compare both the costs and effectiveness of Wyoming's Court Supervised Treatment programs along with traditional sentencing outcomes for adults convicted of a drug and/or property felony. Data on costs and economic benefits will be generated from agency budget documents, payroll reports, and a variety of other sources, both local and national. The comparative effectiveness of offenders in the two sentencing tracks will be measured through recidivism analysis, which will be assessed using criminal history records maintained by the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation.

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State Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) Addresses

Lynn Childs, Interim SAC Director
Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center
201 South Union Street, Suite 300
P.O. Box 040235
Montgomery, Alabama 36130-0600
Phone:  (334) 517-2415       FAX:  (334) 517-2740
E-mail address:

Alan McKelvie, Director
Statistical Analysis Center
The Justice Center
University of Alaska Anchorage
3211 Providence Drive
Anchorage, Alaska  99508
Phone:  (907) 786-1809       FAX:  (907) 786-7777
E-mail address:

Phillip Stevenson, Ph.D.
Director, Statistical Analysis Center
Arizona Criminal Justice Commission
1110 West Washington, Suite 230
Phoenix, Arizona  85007
Phone:  (602) 364-1157       FAX:  (602) 364-1175
E-mail address:

Ralph Ward
SAC Director/UCR Program Manager
Arkansas Crime Information Center
One Capitol Mall, 4D-200
Little Rock, Arkansas 7220l
Phone:  (501) 682-2222       FAX:  (501) 682-0272
E-mail address:

Lee Britton, Ph.D.
Manager, Criminal Justice Statistics
California Department of Justice
4949 Broadway
Sacramento, California  95820
Phone:  (916) 227-3282       FAX:  (916) 227-0427
E-mail address:

Kim English, Research Director
Statistical Analysis Center
Colorado Division of Criminal Justice
Colorado Department of Public Safety
700 Kipling Street, Suite 1000
Denver, Colorado  80215
Phone:  (303) 239-4453      FAX:  (303) 239-4491
E-mail address:

Ivan Kuzyk
SAC Director
Office of Policy and Management
Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division
Research, Analysis, and Evaluation Unit
450 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, Connecticut 06106-1379
Phone:  (860) 418-6238       FAX: (860) 418-6496
E-mail address:

Colonel Thomas F. MacLeish, Interim SAC Director
Delaware Statistical Analysis Center
410 Federal Street, Suite 6
Dover, Delaware  19901
Phone:  (302) 739-4846       FAX:  (302) 739-4630
E-mail address:

Paul Quander, Executive Director
Attn:  Mannone Butler, Deputy Director
Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
One Judiciary Center
441 4th St. NW Room 727N
Washington, D.C. 20001
Phone:  (202) 442-9283       FAX: (202) 724-3691
E-mail address: /

Sue Burton, Administrator
Statistical Analysis Center
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
2331 Phillips Road
Tallahassee, Florida  32302
Phone:  (850) 410-7140       FAX:  (850) 410-7150
E-mail address:

Lateefah Raheem
Planning, Evaluation and Research Program Director
104 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 440
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-2743
Phone:  (404) 657-1965           FAX:  (404) 657-1957
E-mail address:

Paul Perrone, Chief of Research and Statistics
Crime Prevention & Justice Assistance Division
Department of the Attorney General
235 South Beretania Street, Suite 401
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Phone:  (808) 586-1420       FAX:  (808) 586-1373
E-mail address:

Janeena J. Wing, SAC Director
Planning, Grants, and Research
Idaho State Police
700 South Stratford
Meridian, Idaho 83642-0700
Phone:  (208) 884-7044    FAX:  (208) 884-7094
E-mail address:

Mark Myrent, SAC Director
Statistical Analysis Center
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
300 West Adams, 7th Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60606
Phone:  (312) 793-8512    FAX:  (312) 793-8422
E-mail address:

Joshua Ross, SAC Director
Research and Planning Division
Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
101 West Washington Street, Suite 1170 East
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Phone:  (317) 234-2922       FAX:  (317) 232-4979
E-mail address:

Paul Stageberg, Ph.D.
Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning
Lucas State Office Building
321 East 12th Street, 2nd Floor
Des Moines, Iowa 50319
Phone:  (515) 242-6122       FAX:  (515) 242-6119
E-mail address:

Fengfang Lu, SAC Director
Kansas Sentencing Commission
Jayhawk Tower, Suite 501
700 S.W. Jackson Street
Topeka, Kansas 66603-3731
Phone:  (785) 296-0923       FAX:  (785) 296-0927
E-mail address:

Tanya Dickinson, SAC Director
Attn:  VACANT, Research Coordinator
Statistical Analysis Center
Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet
125 Holmes Street
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Phone:  (502) 564-3251          FAX:  (502) 564-5244
E-mail address:

Sonya Lars
SAC Director
Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement
P.O. Box 3133 (602 N. 5th Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802-5312)
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-3133
Phone:  (225) 342-1954       FAX:  (225) 342-1846
E-mail address:

Jerome I. Ierome
SAC Director
Criminal Justice Planning Agency
Commonwealth N. Mariana Islands
Post Office Box 501133
Saipan, MP 96950
Phone:  (670) 664-4550, ext. 7       FAX:  (670) 664-4560
E-mail address:

Carmen Dorsey
Director, Statistical Analysis Center
Muskie School of Public Service
University of Southern Maine
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, Maine 04104-9300
Phone:  (207) 228-8342       FAX:  (207) 228-8460
E-mail address:

Jeffrey Zuback
SAC Director
Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention
300 E. Joppa Road, Suite 1105
Baltimore, Maryland 21286-3016
Phone:  (410) 821-2843       FAX:  (410) 321-3116
E-mail address:

Lisa Sampson
SAC Director
Research and Policy Analysis Division
Office of Grants and Research
Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
Ten Park Plaza, Suite 3720
Boston, Massachusetts  02116
Phone:  (617) 725-3306     FAX:  (617) 727-5356
E-mail address:

Timothy S. Bynum, Ph.D.
Michigan Justice Statistics Center
Michigan State University
School of Criminal Justice
560 Baker Hall
(Contract and Grant Administration, 301 Administration Building)
East Lansing, Michigan 48824
Phone:  (517) 353-4515       FAX:  (517) 432-1787
E-mail address:

Danette Buskovick
SAC Director
Office of Justice Programs
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 2300
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-2139
Phone:  (651) 201-7309       FAX:  (651) 284-3317
E-mail address:

Lisa Nored, SAC Director
Attn: R. Alan Thompson, Ph.D.
Associate SAC Director/Associate Professor
Statistical Analysis Center
The University of Southern Mississippi
School of Criminal Justice
118 College Drive
P.O. Box 5127
Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39406
Phone:  (601) 266-4509       FAX: (601) 266-4391
E-mail address: /

Ron Beck, Director
Statistical Analysis Center
Missouri State Highway Patrol
(1510 East Elm Street)
Post Office Box 568
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
Phone:  (573) 751-9000 FAX:  (573) 526-6274
E-mail address:

Jimmy Steyee
SAC Director/Statistician
Montana Board of Crime Control
Post Office Box 201408
5 S. Last Chance Gulch
Helena, Montana 59620
Phone:  (406) 444-4298 FAX:  (406) 444-4722
E-mail address:

Michael Overton, SAC Director
Chief, Information Services Division
Nebraska Crime Commission
301 Centennial Mall South
State Office Building
Post Office Box 94946
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4946
Phone:  (402) 471-3992       FAX:  (402) 471-2837
E-mail address:

Timothy C. Hart, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Analysis of Crime Statistics
Department of Criminal Justice
University of Nevada Las Vegas
4505 Maryland Parkway - Box 5009
Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-5009
Phone:  (702) 895-0233      FAX:  (702) 895-0252
E-mail address:

Rosemary Faretra, SAC Director
Director of Administration
Office of the Attorney General
33 Capitol Street
Concord, New Hampshire 03301
Phone:  (603) 271-4900       FAX:  (603) 271-2110
E-mail address:

Jean Petherbridge, SAC Director
Manager, Research and Evaluation
Attn:  Kelly Ottobre, SAC Contact
Department of Law and Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice
25 Market Street, P.O. Box 085
Trenton, New Jersey 08625
Phone:  (609) 984-5693 or (609) 292-0240             FAX:  (609) 984-4473 or (609) 984-9493
E-mail address: Back to Top