Healthday - Health News Distribution, Health News Licensing, Health Content Syndication

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Health News Licensing

Daily Health and Medical News for Licensing and Syndication

HealthDay specializes in producing evidence-based health content, which is licensed to media companies, hospitals, managed care organizations, publishers, non-profits and government agencies.

Organizations automatically post our news and videos on their websites without the need for editing or manual input. Their visitors get the most timely and important developments in health and medicine.

The following HealthDay products are available for licensing.

bullet   Consumer Health News - Receive up to 18 original health news articles daily, written by our team of award-winning journalists and editors. The consumer news feed also includes health highlights, tips and FDA approvals. This service is also available in Spanish and Japanese.
bullet   Professional Health News - Physician's Briefing is our medical news service for healthcare professionals. Receive a minimum of 15 articles a day covering 32 medical specialties. This service also includes alerts and updates from the FDA and other United States government organizations.
bullet   Daily Videos - We produce several 60-to 80-second daily video services for consumers. The most important health news of the day is featured on HealthDayTV and HealthDayTV en Español. Our other video service, HealthDay Living, features lifestyle content on topics that influence everyone's day-to-day including: Diet and Fitness, Health & Wellness, Healthy Recipes, Beauty Tips and Personal Relationships.
bullet   Custom Content - When you're in need of specialized content, our Custom Content Division becomes your writing and video production department. HealthDay provides custom content tailored to your audience and format. Need search engine optimized health content? We have a team in place to do it.
bullet   Wellness Library - We offer 1,500 pieces of original wellness content, featuring health and medical articles, special reports and first-person essays that are practical, engaging and reader-friendly. This comprehensive "reference" information is available in 41 medical conditions.
bullet   eNewsletters - “Preference-based” personalized health and medical news allows visitors to select from a list of specific health and medical topics that are of interest. This can help solidify the connection between your organization and your members, patients, caregivers or customers.


Put HealthDay to Work for You

To see how our health news licensing and syndication services and products can benefit your business or organization contact us.

Have breaking health news you want to share with our editorial team? Get in touch with HealthDay editors now.

For more information, download our media kit.


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