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The marine and coastal environment includes the ocean; the atmosphere over the ocean; the nearby land; the various life forms which live in, on, or near the ocean; as well as the human population that lives near the ocean or uses the ocean and coastal resources.

The  Bureau supports two environmental programs that help us understand and protect the marine and coastal environments:

Environmental Analysis Program
The Pacific Region Office of Leasing and Environment conducts environmental analyses and reviews on all OCS oil & gas projects. Environmental reviews are conducted in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and projects are inspected, as appropriate, for compliance with the full spectrum of conditions placed upon them. Includes conducting environmental reviews and analyses of proposed industry projects and ensuring compliance with environmental conditions of project approvals.

Environmental Studies Program
The Bureau supports an extensive program of scientific studies. As part of this national program, the Pacific OCS Region manages a variety of scientific studies to increase our understanding of the marine and coastal environment and the potential effects of oil and gas activities on this environment in California. About $1 to $2 million is spent annually in the Pacific Region to fund research in physical oceanography, biology, ecology, and socioeconomics. Includes planning and managing a large environmental studies program.

Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP)
The Bureau also oversees the Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) which was created by the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The CIAP provides grants to states with oil and gas activities off their shores to mitigate the impacts of OCS energy activities.

More information about environmental resources is provided in our online reference Data Center.