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Rep. Pete Olson (R-Sugar Land) today voted to increase U.S. domestic U.S. energy production by requiring the Secretary of the Interior to move forward with offshore lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Virginia that were delayed or canceled by the Obama Administration.  The bill, H.R. 1230, the Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act, passed in the House by a vote of 266 to 149.

 "This is an important long-term step to lowering gas prices, creating jobs and bringing more revenue into the federal treasury to pay down our debt," Rep. Olson said.  "For too long we have blocked access to our own resources, which restricts our energy supply, drives up gas prices, increases our dependency on foreign oil, and stifles American job creation. Many of our Democrat colleagues joined Republicans in supporting this measure.  I urge the Senate to pass this bill now to increase our supply of American made energy."
