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Rep.  Pete Olson (R-Sugar Land) today voted to repeal a multi-billion dollar slush fund contained in last year’s massive health care bill, also known as Obamacare.  The House voted 236-183 to eliminate the Prevention and Public Health Fund, a ten year $17.75 billion account (FY2012-2021) administered solely at the discretion of the Secretary of Health and Human Services. 

"At a time when we face record deficits it is the duty of Congress to provide the constitutional oversight of how tax dollars are spent," Olson said.  "Republicans have long stated the numerous problems with ObamaCare and this unprecedented level of unchecked spending is an important example.  I'm pleased that we took an important step in protecting taxpayers from this slush fund and reining in federal spending."

H.R. 1217 is a $17.75 billion account (FY2012-2021) administered at the discretion of the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide “expanded and sustained national investment in prevention and public health programs to improve health and help restrain the rate of growth in private and public sector health costs.” Section 4002 appropriates $1 billion for FY2012, $1.25 billion for FY2013, $1.5 billion for FY2014, and $2 billion in each subsequent fiscal year in perpetuity.  The HHS Secretary has full authority to spend funds in this account on any program or activity authorized under the Public Health Service Act (PHSA) that the Secretary chooses without further Congressional action. The Fund provides supplemental funding for PHSA programs above and beyond their FY2008 level. H.R. 1217 does not repeal any specific program.  

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