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BLS 10-182
Thursday, December 23, 2010


Fatal work injuries in Washington totaled 75 in 2009, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Regional Commissioner Richard J. Holden noted that while these results are preliminary, the number of fatalities in Washington was down from the 84 recorded in 2008. (See chart 1.) Final 2009 national and State results will be released in April 2011.

Chart 1. Total workplace fatalities in Washington, 1992–2009

Chart 1. Total workplace fatalities in Washington, 1992-2009

The most frequent events leading to workplace fatalities in Washington in 2009 were homicides (14), followed by highway incidents (13), being struck by an object or equipment (12), and suicides (8). (See table A.) Combined, these four events accounted for 63 percent of work-related fatalities in the State.

Fourteen fatalities from work-related homicides accounted for 19 percent of all fatal events in Washington in 2009. The State’s 2009 count was one of the highest annual total recorded since the census began in 1992. Nationally, work-related homicides accounted for 12 percent of the total. (See tables A and B.)

Workplace highway incidents accounted for 13 fatalities in Washington in 2009. The series high of 29 worker fatalities from highway incidents was recorded in 1998. Highway incidents accounted for 17 percent of the State’s workplace fatalities in 2009; nationally this event accounted for 20 percent of work-related deaths.

Occupational fatalities resulting from being struck by an object or equipment accounted for 12 deaths in 2009, the same as in 2008. Being struck by an object or equipment represented 16 percent of all workplace fatalities in the State and 12 percent nationwide.

Eight work-related fatalities from suicides in 2009 were the same as a year earlier. Work-related suicides represented 5 percent of on-the-job fatalities in the nation.

[1]Fatal events are categorized into several major groupings including transportation incidents, assaults and violent acts, and falls, among others. These major groups are further broken down into more detailed groups. See the Occupational Injury and Illness Classification System (OIICS) Manual at for detailed information on the categories of fatalities used in the census.

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Table A. Fatal occupational injuries in Washington by selected event, 1992-2009
Year Total Fatalities Homicides Highway incidents Struck by object or equipment Suicides
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent


97 11 11 16 16 18 19 - -


112 7 6 20 18 20 18 - -


118 17 14 23 19 23 19 - -


109 11 10 18 17 14 13 3 3


128 9 7 26 20 21 16 3 2


112 10 9 24 21 11 10 5 4


113 8 7 29 26 10 9 - -


88 5 6 25 28 12 14 3 3


75 5 7 20 27 11 15 5 7


102 6 6 22 22 13 13 3 3


86 6 7 22 26 14 16 - -


83 5 6 9 11 8 10 4 5


98 12 12 22 22 17 17 - -


85 4 5 23 27 15 18 - -


87 4 5 15 17 10 11 - -


90 4 4 15 17 14 16 - -


84 8 10 17 20 12 14 8 10


75 14 19 13 17 12 16 8 11

(1) Since the initial release of 2008 data, 1 additional job-related fatality was identified in Washington bringing the 2008 total job-related fatality count to 84.
(2) Totals for 2009 are preliminary.

Key characteristics of fatal work injuries in Washington

  • Men accounted for 88 percent (66) of the work-related fatalities in Washington in 2009. Transportation incidents, which include highway, nonhighway, pedestrian, air, water, rail fatalities, and fatalities resulting from being struck by a vehicle, accounted for 29 percent of deaths among male workers. Contact with objects and equipment made up 26 percent of male work-related fatalities. (See table 2.)

  • Eighty-one percent of those who died from a workplace injury in Washington were white, non-Hispanic (61) and 8 percent were Hispanic or Latino (6). (Some worker fatalities were not identified by race or ethnic origin.) Transportation incidents were the most frequent type of fatality for white, non-Hispanic workers. (See table 2.)

  • Workers 25-54 years old—the prime working age group?made up 64 percent or 48 of the State’s work-related fatalities in 2009. (See table 2.)

  • Seventy-three percent of workers killed on the job worked for wages and salaries (55), with the remaining 27 percent being self-employed. The leading fatal event for wage and salary workers was transportation incidents (17). (See table 2.)

  • Two industry sectors accounted for 35 percent of the workplace fatalities in the State – agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting (17) and construction (9). (See table 3.)

  • From an occupational perspective, transportation and material moving occupations jobs had the highest number of workplace fatalities (16), followed by farming, fishing, and forestry jobs (12). Combined, these two occupational groups accounted for 37 percent of the fatal work injuries in Washington. Transportation incidents were among the most frequent cause of on-the-job fatalities for both occupational groups. (See table 4.)

U.S. Workplace Fatalities

Nationwide, a total of 4,340 fatal work injuries were reported in 2009, a decrease of 17 percent from the revised total of 5,214 recorded in 2008. This preliminary figure represents the smallest annual total since the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) program was first conducted in 1992. (See table B.) Economic factors played a major role in the national fatal work injury decrease as total hours worked declined during the year. Similarly, some industries that historically have accounted for a significant share of fatal work injuries, such as construction, experienced even larger declines in employment or hours worked.

Highway incidents in 2009 continued to lead all other events in the frequency of on-the-job fatalities, a position held since the program’s inception in 1992. Still, the 2009 count of 882 fatal injuries from highway incidents was down 27 percent from the 2008 count of 1,215 fatal injuries.

Workplace homicides (521) declined 1 percent in 2009. Falls to a lower level decreased 13 percent (from 593 in 2008 to 518 in 2009). Around half of all fatal falls to a lower level occur in construction, so the decline in construction employment may account for the lower number of fatal work injuries due to falls to a lower level.

Workplace suicides (237) were down 10 percent nationwide in 2009 from the series high of 263 in 2008. However, the 2009 preliminary count of workplace suicides is the second highest annual total reported by the fatality census.

Thirty-seven states reported lower numbers of fatal work injuries in 2009 than in 2008, while 13 states and the District of Columbia reported higher numbers.

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Table B. Fatal occupational injuries in the United States by selected event, 1992-2009
Year Total Fatalities Highway incidents Homicides Falls to a lower level Struck by object or equipment
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent


6,217 1,158 19 1,044 17 507 8 557 9


6,331 1,242 20 1,074 17 534 8 565 9


6,632 1,343 20 1,080 16 580 9 591 9


6,275 1,346 21 1,036 17 578 9 547 9


6,202 1,346 22 927 15 610 10 582 9


6,238 1,393 22 860 14 653 10 579 9


6,055 1,442 24 714 12 625 10 520 9


6,054 1,496 25 651 11 634 10 585 10


5,920 1,365 23 677 11 659 11 571 10


5,915 1,409 24 643 11 700 12 553 9


5,534 1,373 25 609 11 638 12 505 9


5,575 1,353 24 632 11 604 11 531 10


5,764 1,398 24 559 10 738 13 602 10


5,734 1,437 25 567 10 664 12 607 11


5,840 1,356 23 540 9 738 13 589 10


5,657 1,414 25 628 11 746 13 504 9


5,214 1,215 23 526 10 593 11 520 10


4,340 882 20 521 12 518 12 414 10

(1) Totals for 2001 exclude fatalities due to September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
(2) Totals for 2008 are revised and final. The BLS national news release issued August 20, 2009, reported a total of 5,071 fatal work injuries for calendar year 2008. Since then, an additional 143 job-related fatalities were identified bringing the total job-related fatality count for 2008 to 5,214.
(3) Data for 2009 are preliminary. Revised and final 2009 data are scheduled to be released April 2011.

Technical Note

Background of the program

The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, part of the BLS occupational safety and health statistics program, compiles a count of all fatal work injuries occurring in the U.S. in each calendar year. The program uses diverse State, federal, and independent data sources to identify, verify, and describe fatal work injuries. This assures counts are as complete and accurate as possible.

For technical information about the CFOI program, please go to the BLS Handbook of Methods on the BLS web site here: The technical information and definitions for the CFOI Program are in Chapter 9, Part III of the BLS Handbook of Methods.

Federal/State agency coverage

The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries includes data for all fatal work injuries, whether the decedent was working in a job covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or other federal or State agencies or was outside the scope of regulatory coverage. Thus, any comparison between the BLS fatality census counts and those released by other agencies should take into account the different coverage requirements and definitions being used by each agency.

Several federal and State agencies have jurisdiction over workplace safety and health. OSHA and affiliated agencies in States with approved safety programs cover the largest portion of the nation's workers. However, injuries and illnesses occurring in certain industries or activities, such as coal, metal, and nonmetal mining and highway, water, rail, and air transportation, are excluded from OSHA coverage because they are covered by other federal agencies, such as the Mine Safety and Health Administration and various agencies within the Department of Transportation.


BLS thanks the Washington Department of Labor & Industries for their efforts in collecting accurate, comprehensive, and useful data on fatal work injuries. BLS also appreciates the efforts of all federal, State, local, and private sector entities that submitted source documents used to identify fatal work injuries. Among these agencies are the Occupational Safety and Health Administration; the National Transportation Safety Board; the U.S. Coast Guard; the Mine Safety and Health Administration; the Employment Standards Administration (Federal Employees' Compensation and Longshore and Harbor Workers' divisions); the Federal Railroad Administration; the Department of Energy; State vital statistics registrars, coroners, and medical examiners; State departments of health, labor and industries, and workers' compensation agencies; State and local police departments; and State farm bureaus.

Detailed statistics on fatal occupational injuries in Washington can be obtained from tables at


Last Modified Date: December 23, 2010