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Friday, March 04, 2011



Announcing AmeriCorps Week 2011


Announcing AmeriCorps Week 2011 – May 14-21

You asked and we’ve listened. For the past few years, AmeriCorps Week has been the second week of May. However, we heard from a number of you that you prefer having AmeriCorps Week take place one week later this year. In response to those requests, we have moved AmeriCorps Week to May 14 – 21, 2011.

This shift will give you more time for planning the events and activities that tell your AmeriCorps story and the critical impact AmeriCorps is having in communities across the country.

If you haven’t started planning yet, then please plan to hold activities and events during May 14-21. If you already have activities scheduled for May 7 - 14, that is perfectly fine. Consider your events a ramp up to AmeriCorps Week. While AmeriCorps Week may take place May 14-21, the work of demonstrating the impact of AmeriCorps needs to happen all year round.

The theme of this year’s AmeriCorps Week is My AmeriCorps Story. We will be providing more information and tools to assist you in telling a compelling story about AmeriCorps and its impact.

Every day across the nation AmeriCorps members are having a powerful impact on the most critical issues facing our nation – solving problems, strengthening communities, and improving the lives of our most vulnerable citizens. It’s important for us to demonstrate that impact - during AmeriCorps Week and throughout the year. We look forward to working with you to tell that story.

All the best,

The AmeriCorps Week Team

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