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Monday, February 28, 2011



Peer Reviewers Needed for Youth Engagement Zone Competition


Peer Review Opportunity for the 2011 Youth Engagement Zone Competition

The Corporation for National and Community Service (Corporation) is seeking qualified individuals to participate in peer review for the Youth Engagement Zones grant competition!  This competition and consequently the review are subject to the availability of appropriations for fiscal year 2011.

Needed Areas of Expertise

The Corporation is looking for individuals with extensive experience in service-learning, knowledge of programs targeting college access for underrepresented youth, understanding of how to align academic curriculum with content standards, and experience applying positive youth development principles to programming for middle and high school students. 

Because the Youth Engagement Zone Funding Opportunity Notice seeks grant applications that specifically align with the priority areas stated in the Serve America Act; accordingly, reviewers will need five or more years of demonstrated experience in service-learning and Education.

What to Expect

n        The FY2011 Youth Engagement Zone grant competition Peer Review is utilizing a distance-based Field Review model, allowing Reviewers to collaborate and complete their review responsibilities remotely, eliminating the need to travel or meet in person for participation in the review.

n        Each Reviewer will be assigned to a review panel, will read and assess their assigned applications individually, and participate in panel discussions regarding those applications.

n        Some Review Participants are asked to serve as panel Facilitators who coordinate with Corporation staff to chair their review panel, facilitate panel discussions, and summarize applications’ strengths and weaknesses.

n        The review process lasts two to three weeks and may require 40-50 hours of work to complete. There are mandatory panel calls and orientation and training sessions that may require alterations to your normal schedule.

n        Reviewers will download, share, and print the review documents and applications using an online collaboration tool.

n        The Corporation offers Reviewers and Facilitators an honorarium for their participation in a grant review. The honorarium amount varies, but begins at $700.  Unfortunately, federal employees are not eligible to receive honorarium. 

How to Respond

If you are available and would like to participate as a Peer Reviewer for the FY2011 Youth Engagement Zone Grant Competition, send an email to and we will note your interest for subsequent communications.  Indicating availability does not guarantee selection as a participant.

The Corporation has refined the requirements and qualifications for Review Participants. It is important reviewers’ eGrants profiles reflect their most up-to-date information and experience.  Reviewers will be selected based on the information they provide in eGrants.  Previous participation in Corporation reviews will not guarantee FY2011 recruitment. Please update your Reviewer Profile in eGrants. (eGrants LogIn Page)  If you have trouble accessing your account, please contact the National Service Hotline at 800-942-2677 or on-line at  Please do not create a new account.

Important Information for Participating

Peer Reviewers and Facilitators are selected by Corporation staff for each grant competition based factors such as relevant experience and number of reviewers needed.  Review participants will complete a Conflict of Interest Form to verify reviewers do not have conflicts with the applications they are assigned (e.g., involvement with an organization applying for a Youth Engagement Zone Grant, etc.). Please note, as of FY2011, the names of all participating External Reviewers and Facilitators for Corporation grant competitions may be made public.

Tell a Friend or Colleague!

If you know someone with the appropriate qualifications who would be interested in being considered for the Youth Engagement Zones Peer Review, you are encouraged to share this flyer with them and direct them to for more information. 

Thank you for considering service as an External Peer Reviewer for the Corporation!

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