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Monday, January 10, 2011



Reminder to Resubmit FFR with Data on Other Federal Funds Used as Match


To:  Corporation Grantees Operating AmeriCorps Programs

From:  Margaret Rosenberry, Director of Grants Management
Subject: Reminder to Resubmit FFR with Data on Other Federal Funds Used as Match

Date:  January 7, 2011

As you know, we sent out guidance in early September 2010 about the new requirement to report on other federal funds used as match on your AmeriCorps grants.  The reports were due by the end of October and Corporation grants officers have been working with many of you to correct the reports and capture accurate data.

Thank you to those who have resubmitted their reports.  We are still missing many reports and our report to Congress is due at the beginning of February.  We need the reports resubmitted no later that COB on Thursday, January 13, 2011.  If you have questions about how to report, please contact your grants officer right away.  As we do with all financial reports, we will put grant funds on hold in the Payment Management System if reports are overdue.  Therefore, your grants officer will place a hold on funds starting next Friday if reports are not submitted by Thursday.

We are sorry that the system to capture the data is not more automated on this point, but, as mentioned in the original letter, we expect to have eGrants more automated by the next report due date, October 31, 2011.  In the interim, thank you for your patience as we work to comply with this new requirement.

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