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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

CONTACT: John Gomperts, Director of AmeriCorps


2011 Competitions, Serve America Act Rulemaking, Member Survey


I was very glad to have the chance to talk with many of you on the conference call with Patrick Corvington last week. For those who weren’t able to join the call, I hope you have listened to the recording. This was just the first of what I am sure will be many conversations. I look forward to seeing many of you at the national conference and over the coming months.

The purpose of this memo is to convey information on a few important topics: the 2011 application process, Serve America Act Rulemaking, and the member survey.

2011 Application Process

Although the 2010 program year hasn’t yet started for most of you, we know that you are already planning for 2011. We are doing the same. We are currently working on developing the selection criteria, the strategic priorities, and the next iteration of the National Performance Measures Pilot. To help with your plans, I want to share with you our timeline, which is designed to accommodate the conversations that Patrick and Corporation leadership will be having with you over the next couple of months regarding the Corporation’s strategic plan. Since your input will help to shape the priorities going forward, some key decisions won’t be made immediately. However, even before those decisions are made, we will be able to provide you with information that will make it possible for you to begin planning for 2011 and engaging in outreach in the states and communities you serve.

August 31, 2010: The 2011 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and application instructions will be released. The NOFO will contain the application selection criteria and the five focus areas, but will not contain the National Performance Measures

September 30, 2010: The 2011 National Performance Measures will be released. These will include outcome measures for clean energy, healthy futures, opportunity and veterans.

I know that ideally you would love to receive the application materials earlier in the year and I appreciate your continued patience and flexibility as we implement the Serve America Act.

Serve America Act Rulemaking

Please remember that anticipated changes to our regulations regarding the maximum terms of service and transferability of the Education Award are not yet in effect. Please be sure to communicate this fact to your colleagues and your programs. Even if the Portal doesn’t prevent the enrollment of a member for a third term of service, this is still not allowable.

Member End-of-Term Survey

We’d like to enlist your support and help in encouraging AmeriCorps members who are completing their service to take the AmeriCorps Member Satisfaction Survey on the My AmeriCorps Member Portal.

The brief survey captures members’ level of satisfaction with their AmeriCorps experience, including the supervision and support they received, the adequacy of training, and other key areas. We are encouraging all AmeriCorps members (State/National, VISTA and NCCC) to take the survey as a part of their formal close of service process. Survey participation is voluntary, and answers are private. The results are used in aggregate, not with respect to any individual.

The data gleaned from the member survey will enable us to more effectively gauge what aspects of members’ experience they rate as high and where there are areas of concern and opportunities for improvement.

I hope I can count on your help in strongly encouraging exiting members to fill out the survey.

* * *

Thanks, as always, for everything you do. Please let us know if you have questions or comments in response to any part of this message.

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