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Questions About Cancer? 1-800-4-CANCER

Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer

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If Treatment Isn’t Working

If treatment Isn't Working iconSometimes cancer no longer responds to treatment. While this news may be overwhelming and seem impossible to accept at first, there are things you, and the people who love you, can do. Figuring out what is within and outside of your control can help. Talk with your medical team and your family as you learn about places (such as hospitals, home-care, and hospice) where high quality care is given. This will help you to make the best choice for you.

Some people with advanced cancer live much longer than expected. Many choose to make this a time of personal growth and second chances. Others gain strength and peace from their spiritual beliefs. Young people with cancer often choose to make the most of each day, living fully in the moment – and incredibly, empowering those around them to do the same. There are resources to help you and your family with the emotional and medical journey ahead.

On this page:
Resources for Patients and Caregivers
Resources For Providers

Resources for Patients and Caregivers

  • Coping with Advanced Cancer
    Information for people with cancer who have gone through treatment, and perhaps, recurrence of cancer, for whom a cure or long-term remission is no longer likely. Discusses physical and emotional issues, and living the rest of life to its fullest and with meaning.
  • When Someone You Love Has Advanced Cancer: Support for Caregivers
    Practical and supportive information for caregivers of loved ones with advanced cancer that is no longer responding to treatment. It explores many of the questions and crossroads caregivers may face.
  • Advance Directives
    A fact sheet that explains informed consent and end-of-life issues during advanced or terminal disease.
  • End-of-Life Care for People Who Have Cancer
    A fact sheet that answers some of the questions patients, their family members, and caregivers may have about the end of life.
  • Hospice
    A fact sheet about hospice care, including insurance coverage.
  • Last Days of Life (PDQ®)
    [ patient ] [ health professional ]
    Expert-reviewed information summary about care during the last days to last hours of life, including common symptoms, ethical dilemmas that may arise, and the role of the oncologist in caring for patients and their families during this time.

Resources for Providers

  • EPEC™-O | Education in Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Oncology
    EPEC™-O (Education in Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Oncology) and EPEC™-O with American Indian and Alaska Native Cultural Considerations are free comprehensive multimedia curricula for health professionals caring for persons with cancer. The curricula is available as an online Self-Study Section of 3 plenary sessions and 15 content modules and as a CD-ROM you can order.