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This day in History with liberty bell icon
15 September 
In 1963, the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing kills four young girls at an African-American church in Birmingham, AL.
Mindbenders with brain icon
Why should you never mention the number 288 in front of anyone?

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Welcome to the NCES Kids' Zone

The NCES Kids' Zone provides information to help you learn about schools; decide on a college; find a public library; engage in several games, quizzes and skill building about math, probability, graphing, and mathematicians; and to learn many interesting facts about education.

Did you Know?

Approximately 45 percent of fourth graders and 86 percent of eighth-graders in the nation had teachers who reported putting a heavy emphasis on algebra and functions in 2011, an increase for both grades as compared to 2009. (more info)

The Word of the Day

innerve -(v.).To give nervous energy to: stimulate.

The Quote of the Day

"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself."- Galileo Galilei


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