Category: Innovation

Datesort icon Type Title
05/09/2012 Blog Secretary Bryson Discusses the Future of U.S. Manufacturing at MIT
05/08/2012 Blog Manufacturers Learn Keys to Success at MEP's Manufacturing Innovation 2012
04/27/2012 Blog Secretary Bryson Keynotes Manufacturing Summit Hosted by Senator Gillibrand in Rochester, New York
04/27/2012 News Remarks at Manufacturing Conference, Rochester, New York
04/19/2012 Blog Commerce’s Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Invests in the Jobs and Industries of the Future
04/19/2012 News Oral Statement for Manufacturing Hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade
04/17/2012 Blog Deputy Secretary Blank Speaks on the Role of Innovation in the U.S. Economy
03/07/2012 Blog A Cross-Country Tour of American Ingenuity
02/10/2012 Blog Advancing Economic Development Strategies: the First White House Community Partnership Summit, Atlanta, GA
02/09/2012 Blog Why Investing in R&D Matters
02/01/2012 News Remarks at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
01/27/2012 News Remarks at Columbus Economic Development Roundtable, Columbus, Ohio
01/27/2012 Blog Commerce Secretary John Bryson Visits Manufacturing Facility in Columbus, Ohio
01/26/2012 Blog Acting Deputy Secretary Rebecca Blank Visits Tech Town in Dayton, Ohio
01/13/2012 Blog Acting Deputy Secretary Blank Tours CES Promoting American Innovation and Competitiveness
01/12/2012 News Remarks at Consumer Electronics Show, Las Vegas, Nevada
01/11/2012 Blog Obama Administration Applauds Opening of Innovation Hub in Gainesville, Florida
12/30/2011 Blog 2011: A Great Year for American Inventors and Innovation
12/30/2011 Blog A Look Ahead to 2012: NTIA by the Numbers
11/30/2011 Blog Investments in the Seattle Region’s Innovation Clusters Spur Economic and Job Growth
11/09/2011 Blog Driving Innovation and Economic Growth in West Virginia and Virginia
11/09/2011 Blog NIST: Presidential Memorandum Outlines Commerce's Role in Speeding Tech Transfer
11/08/2011 Blog Building Networks to Advance the Innovation Economy
11/01/2011 Blog American Companies Sweep Top Workplace Honors in Multinational Survey
10/12/2011 News Remarks at University of Toledo, Clean and Alternative Energy Incubator, Toledo, Ohio
09/22/2011 Blog Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge Winners Announced
09/08/2011 News Acting U.S. Secretary of Commerce Rebecca Blank Highlights Importance of U.S. Patent System to American Innovation at Signing Ceremony for Patent Number 8 Million
09/08/2011 News Remarks at Patent No. 8 Million Ceremonial Presentation
08/19/2011 Blog Rural America: Wellspring of Innovation
07/25/2011 Blog Standards Boost Business: Competing in a 21st Century Economy