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Search Results: achievement
The search returned 1030 matches:
Keyword: achievement
Figure/Table TitleTopic AreaSourceYear
1. Average reading scale scores of 4th- and 8th-graders in public schools and percentage scoring at or above selected reading achievement levels, by English language learner (ELL) status and state: 2011
(View Table/Figure)
References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2011
2. IEA: Percentage distribution and average achievement scores of fourth-grade science students as reported in TIMSS, by where computer is used and country: 2007
(View Table/Figure)
International IAP Table Library 2007
3. IEA: Percentage distribution and average achievement scores of fourth-grade mathematics students as reported in TIMSS, by where computer is used and country: 2007
(View Table/Figure)
International IAP Table Library 2007
4. IEA: Percentage distribution and average achievement scores of fourth-grade students as reported in PIRLS, by parents' reports of the number of books in the home and country: 2006
(View Table/Figure)
International IAP Table Library 2006
5. IEA: Percentage distribution and average achievement scores of eighth-grade science students as reported in TIMSS, by where computer is used and country: 2007
(View Table/Figure)
International IAP Table Library 2007
6. IEA: Percentage distribution and average achievement scores of eighth-grade mathematics students as reported in TIMSS, by where computer is used and country: 2007
(View Table/Figure)
International IAP Table Library 2007
7. IEA: Percentage distribution and average achievement scores of fourth-grade students reading stories or novels outside of school as reported in PIRLS, by reading frequency and country: 2006
(View Table/Figure)
International IAP Table Library 2006
8. IEA: Percentage distribution and average achievement scores of fourth-grade students in reading and language instruction as reported in PIRLS, by class size and country: 2006
(View Table/Figure)
International IAP Table Library 2006
9. IEA: Percentage distribution and average achievement scores of fourth-grade students reading for information outside of school as reported in PIRLS, by reading frequency and country: 2006
(View Table/Figure)
International IAP Table Library 2006
10. IEA: Percentage distribution and average achievement scores of fourth-grade students as reported by PIRLS, by hours of formal and integrated reading taught weekly and country: 2006
(View Table/Figure)
International IAP Table Library 2006
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National Center for Education Statistics -
U.S. Department of Education