Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind
State Seal Department of Rehabilitation Services Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind
Welcome to the Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind
Amy Porter Commissioner


About Us


Contact Us





 Department of Rehabilitation Services
Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind
184 Windsor Avenue

Windsor, Connecticut  06095

Telephone:  860-602-4000

     Toll-Free: 800-842-4510

           Fax:   860-602-4020

           TDD:  860-602-4221

e-mail us at brian.sigman@CT.GOV


Our Vision Statement

Our vision is a society in which all people who are legally blind or deaf-blind and children who are visually impaired are fully integrated into our schools, communities, and workplaces with equal opportunities and benefits.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide quality educational and rehabilitative services to all people who are legally blind or deaf-blind and children who are visually impaired at no cost to our clients or their families.

Agency Description

The Board of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB) is responsible for the confidential registry of people who are blind in Connecticut and provides, within available resources, comprehensive low vision services, specialized education services, life skills training, case management, and vocational services to individuals of all ages who are legally blind and to children who are visually impaired. The agency assists them in acquiring the skills and support services necessary to be independent.


If there were to be a disaster (natural or otherwise) or a public health emergency, you might be in need of special assistance. You would need to be notified promptly and effectively of an event that could affect your safety; you might need assistance to receive health services being offered to the community, or possibly, to evacuate if necessary.

We suggest that you call your local health department to let them know who you are, where you are, how to reach you, and what assistance you might need. Be prepared - call now and register, before a disaster occurs!

Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications 9-1-1 Special Needs Form (Reprinted with the cooperation of the Department of Public Safety): If you want the 9-1-1 operator and emergency response staff, (that is the police department, fire department, or emergency medical staff) to know that you, or someone living in your household, has a medical condition or disability, complete and mail the link below.  The mailing address is on the link.

Learn how to prepare for a Hurricane and what to do in the event of a hurricane. Visit  www.ct.gov/hurricane.

What to do in a Fire or Emergency

What to do in a Fire or Emergency- Audio file (MP3)

Que debes hacer en caso de fuego o emergencia

Que debes hacer en caso de fuego o emergencia- Archivo de audio

911 Special Needs Form

911 Forma Necesidades Especiales

Emergency Response Tips for Working with Individuals Who Are Blind

Signing up for CT Alerts From the Emergency Notification System

Weathering a Power Outage

Emergency Preparation Resources

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