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The Community Preparedness Webinar Series

Money Matters in Disasters

Recorded Tuesday, April 10, 2012 

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This webinar discussed how you can financially prepare your community and help others in your community through partnerships with the USDA Cooperative Extension Network and Operation Hope.

According to the Insurance Information Institute “40% of businesses affected by a natural or man-made disaster never reopen.” Recent findings from the Citizen Corps “Personal Preparedness in America” survey found only two percent (2%) reported having financial documents in their home disaster supply kit. FEMA and its partners have resources for organizations and individuals to ensure the Whole Community is informed and have the tools necessary to get their financial house in order.   

There was an opportunity to ask questions and the majority of them were answered by our partners, Operation Hope and the USDA Cooperative Extension Network.  This webinar focused primarily on how organizations can work to increase communities’ financial preparedness and address financial related issues in times of disaster.  Listeners will learn how they can foster this engagement regarding community planning and build stronger relationships with Operation Hope and the USDA Cooperative Extension Network.

Links and Tools

Some important links and tools were discussed in this webinar:

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