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Cadet Uniforms
Cadets proudly wear the uniform of the U.S. Coast Guard. There are a variety of uniform styles – ranging from practical work attire to black tie formalwear – to ensure cadets are in appropriate dress for different duty situations and social functions.

All cadets receive a monthly stipend, a portion of which is intended for the purchase and maintenance of their uniforms.

Tropical Blue Uniform
Worn primarily as a warm weather dress uniform (first week of April through first week of November), the Tropical Blue uniform consists of blue trousers, light blue short sleeve shirt, respective shoulder boards, name tag and ribbons. Combination or garrison covers may be worn with this uniform.

Service Dress Blue Bravo (SDB Bravo) and Service Dress Blue Alfa (SDB Alfa)
The Service Dress Blue Bravo uniform is worn at the Academy or on liberty during the winter months. For males, this uniform includes blue trousers, light blue long sleeve dress shirt with shoulder boards, tie and tie clip, web belt with buckle and SDB jacket with name tag and ribbons. For females, this uniform may be worn with either blue trousers or the service dress blue skirt and black pumps. Women wear the tie tab instead of the tie. The combination cover is always worn with this uniform.

The SDB Alfa is worn at the Academy primarily to OPS Spotlights. This uniform is basically the SDB Bravo, but with a white dress shirt rather than the light blue. As with the SDB Bravo, women may wear either trou or the blue skirt. 

Cadet Parade Dress Blue (Full Dress Blue)
For Regimental Parade, this uniform consists of black (Bravos) or white (Alfas, also called "salt and peppers") high-rise drill trousers with suspenders and black button-down jacket. The black trou are typically worn during fall regimental review, while the white are worn in the spring. Nametags are not worn with this uniform, but white gloves, drill belt with buckle and combination covers are.

Dinner Dress
Worn to formal dances and functions, the Dinner Dress uniform includes a black or white tuxedo jacket, white formal shirt, bow tie, cummerbund, gold studs, black bow tie and cuff links for the men, and a long black skirt, short bolero jacket and white formal shirt for the women.

Gym Gear and Running Suit
Gym Gear consists of issued blue shorts, gray T-shirt (long or short sleeved), sweatshirt and sweatpants. These items are worn only after 1540 (3:40 p.m.) to sports practice or when jogging around Academy grounds during permitted hours. The Running Suit may be worn to and from the gym during the workday, to academic buildings during study hour and to buffet meals. It consists of issued wind pants and jacket, a blue study hour T-shirt, socks and sneakers.