Datastream : WACR

W-band (95 GHz) ARM Cloud Radar

Active Dates
2005.06.22 - 2011.01.06

Measurement Categories
Cloud Properties

Originating Instrument
W-Band (95 GHz) ARM Cloud Radar (WACR)


Only measurements considered scientifically relevant are shown below by default.

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Measurement Units Variable
Altitude above mean sea level m alt
Base time in Epoch seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00 base_time
Range Heights (center of radar sample volume) m MSL heights ( heights )
North latitude degree_N lat
East longitude degree_E lon
Mean Doppler Velocity m/s mean_doppler_velocity ( time, heights )
Calculated Noise dB noise ( time )
Polarization mode. 0 = copol, 1 = xpol unitless polarization ( time )
Ambient load power dBm power_ambient_load ( time )
Hot load power dBm power_hot_load ( time )
Transmit driver power sampled by receiver dBm power_transmit_driver ( time )
Quality check results on field: Mean Doppler Velocity unitless qc_mean_doppler_velocity ( time, heights )
Quality check results on field: Reflectivity unitless qc_reflectivity ( time, heights )
Quality check results on field: Time offset from midnight unitless qc_time ( time )
Reflectivity dBZ reflectivity ( time, heights )
Signal to noise ratio dB signal_to_noise_ratio ( time, heights )
Spectral Width m/s spectral_width ( time, heights )
Extended Interaction Klystron Amplifier temperature degrees C temp_EIKA ( time )
Low noise amplifier temperature degrees C temp_LNA ( time )
Ambient temperature of radar front end components degrees C temp_ambient ( time )
Antenna bottom temperature degrees C temp_antenna_bottom ( time )
Antenna top temperature degrees C temp_antenna_top ( time )
Chiller temperature degrees C temp_chiller ( time )
Chiller return temperature degrees C temp_chiller_return ( time )
Chiller supply temperature degrees C temp_chiller_supply ( time )
Computer enclosure temperature degrees C temp_computer_enclosure ( time )
Future temperature degrees C temp_future ( time )
Hot load physical temperature degrees C temp_hot ( time )
Modulator temperature degrees C temp_modulator ( time )
Modulator control temperature degrees C temp_modulator_control ( time )
Outside temperature degrees C temp_outside ( time )
Time offset from midnight time ( time )
Time offset from base_time time_offset ( time )
Detected Pulse Watts txpower ( time )
status flag unitless wacr_status ( time )


  • Southern Great Plains (SGP)
    • Central Facility, Lamont, OK (C1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (FKB)
    • Black Forest, Germany (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (GRW)
    • Graciosa Island, Azores, Portugal (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (HFE)
    • Shouxian, Anhui, China (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (NIM)
    • Niamey, Niger (M1)


Kevin Widener
(509) 528-9565

Nitin Bharadwaj
(509) 372-4267

Karen Johnson
data analysis
(631) 344-5952