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North American Transborder Freight Data, including Port and Commodity

Use this North American Transborder Freight Data, including Port and Commodity page to find the following Transborder freight data:

    1. Total(Measure): U.S. Transborder freight by dollar value and export weight (see NOTES below for exceptions)
    2. Border(Trading Partner): Canadian or Mexican border
    3. Annual(Year): Land modes since 1994 and air/vessel since 2004
    4. Monthly(Month): Land modes since 1994 and air/vessel since 2004
    5. Modal(Mode): Land modes since 1994 and air/vessel since 2004
    6. Direction(Trade Type): Exports (weight only) or imports (weight or value)
    7. Customs Port: Import/export data for land ports, airports, seaports, for each border, for one or more state and for one or more Customs Port
    8. Commodity: National, border or port level only. For commodity data by state, see the North American Transborder Freight Data, including Port, Commodity, or State Origin/Destination page. Commodity data by port of entry/exit are not available on the state data page (see NOTES below).


  • Transborder freight data consist of import value and weight and export value only. Export weight is not available. Data for land modes are available since 1994 and for air/vessel since 2004. Aggregated data are available by month from April 1994 to the current release month. Air and vessel data by month or year are not available prior to 2004. Export weights for land modes are not available. Import values from Mexican states are not available. Export values to Mexican states are not available for air and vessel modes. Export weights to Mexican states are not available for any mode.
  • Commodity data are not provided by state of origin/destination and by port of entry/exit on the same database because of confidentiality restrictions. This page provides port of entry/exit data for commodities. For commodity data by state, see the North American Transborder Freight Data, including Port, Commodity, or State Origin/Destination data page. Port-related data are shown for both Customs Districts (in upper case) and individual Customs Ports (in initial upper case and lower case).
  • Beginning with the January 2007, BTS makes available data for commodities handled at the gateway ports of entry and exit at country level, allowing cross-tabulation of Commodity by Customs Port.

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