Oil Spill Response Research (OSRR) Project Categories

Arctic Oil Spill Response Research

Mechanical Clean Up 
1004 Responding to Oil Spills in Arctic Environments Study 
608 Methods to Reduce Lateral Noise Propagation from Seismic Exploration Vessels 
586 Planning Support for an Experimental Oil Spill in Pack Ice  
573 Oil Recovery with Novel Skimmer Surfaces under Cold Climate Conditions  
538 Measurement and Control Underwater Noise from Oil Drilling and Production Operations  
453 Production of a White Paper and Workshop Regarding a Full Scale Experimental Oil Release in the Barents Sea Marginal Ice Zone  
353 The Use of Ice Booms for the Recovery of Oil Spills from Ice Infested Waters  
310 Mechanical Oil Recovery in Ice Infested Waters (MORICE) - Phase III  
297 Comprehensive Spill Response Tactics for the Alaska North Slope-Oil in Broken Ice Spill Response Scenarios  
295 In Situ Clean up of Oiled Shorelines; Svalvard Shoreline Project  
289 Re-Engineering of a Stainless Steel Fireproof Boom for Using in Conjunction with Conventional Fire Booms  
159 Evaluation of Skimmers for Offshore and Ice-Infested Waters  
121 Water Jet Barrier Containment of Oil in the Presence of Broken Ice  
In Situ Burn 
452 Mid-Scale Tests to Determine the Limits to In-Situ-Burning in Broken Ice  
288 Outdoor Wave Tank and Program of Mid-Scale In Situ Burn Testing in Alaska  
587 International Oil in Ice Workshop 2007  
555 Partnering in a Workshop to Determine the Scope of an Experimental Oil Spill in Pack Ice in Canada  
354 International Oil and Ice Workshop  
153 Alaska Arctic Workshop  
Chemical Treating Agents 
1004 Responding to Oil Spills in Arctic Environments Study 
683 Using Oil Herding Agents for Rapid Response In Situ Burning of Oil Spills on Open Water  
662 Combining Mineral Fines with Chemical Dispersants to Disperse Oil in Low Temperature and Low Mixing Energy Environments  
617 Employing Chemical Herders to Improve Oil Spill Response Operations  
568 Research at Ohmsett on the Effectiveness of Chemical Dispersants on Alaskan Oils in Cold Water  
563 Understanding the Effects of Time and Energy on the Effectiveness of Dispersants  
554 Mid-Scale Test Tank Research On Using Oil Herding Surfactants To Thicken Oil Slicks In Broken Ice  
527 The Effect of Warming Viscous Oils Prior to Discharge on Dispersant Performance  
476 Ohmsett 2003 Cold Water Dispersant Effectiveness Experiments  
450 Using Dispersants to Test and Evaluate the Effectiveness of Dispersants in Cold Water and Broken Ice  
Remote Sensing 
1000 Oil Spill Detection and Mapping Under Arctic Sea Ice using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 
659 Detecting Oil On and Under Sea Ice Using Ground Penetrating Radar: Development of a New Airborne System  
658 Open Water Multispectral Aerial Sensor Oil Spill Thickness Mapping In Arctic and High Sediment Load Conditions 
588 Detection of Oil on and Under Ice - Phase 3  
569 Svalbard, Norway Experimental Oil Spill To Study Spill Detection and Oil Behavior in Ice  
547 Developing New and Innovative Equipment and Technologies for the Remote Sensing and Surveillance of Oil in and Under Ice - Phase 2  
517 New and Innovative Equipment and Technologies for the Remote Sensing and Surveillance of Oil in and Under Ice  
348 Detection and Tracking of Oil Under Ice