Regional Maps
Each Regional map is listed to the left. Click on the map names to view them and on the icons to view more details of each data set and its map.

Gives a description of the map and its data.

A preview of each map

Map Services
Links to services supplied for a specific map. Services such as Google KML/KMZ, ArcGIS, etc. (when available)

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Latest News

Mon, 10 Sep 2012
NOAA scientists also report that the average temperature for the contiguous U.S. during August was 74.4°F, 1.6°F above the long-term average, marking the 16th warmest August on record. The monthly analysis is produced by NOAA's National Climatic Data Center. See the summary and the full report. - read more »
Fri, 24 Aug 2012
Tracking Isaac? NOAA's got you covered: Get the latest forecast, advisories, radar images, fact sheets, links to preparedness resources and more on our comprehensive webpage, - read more »
Thu, 09 Aug 2012
Updated outlook calls for near- or above-normal Atlantic season - read more »
Wed, 08 Aug 2012
Drought expands to cover nearly 63 percent of the Lower 48; wildfires consume two million acres. - read more »
Wed, 01 Aug 2012
Earth's oceans, forests and other ecosystems continue to soak up about half the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere by human activities, even as those emissions have increased, according to a study by University of Colorado and NOAA scientists published today in the journal Nature. - read more »