National Federation of Independent Business Regulation Event

Regulatory issues play an increasingly prominent role in the bureaucratic state. Regardless of one’s personal preference for specific regulatory content, there is virtual unanimity that where regulation exists it should be developed and implemented transparently, effectively, and efficiently.

The panel will focus on American attempts to operate regulatory policy in this manner with emphasis on the relationship between the three branches of government, the role for analysis in regulatory development, and evaluation, and public involvement in developing new regulations.


  • Susan Dudley, Research Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration and Director, Regulatory Studies Center at George Washington University, and former Administrator of Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) at Office of Management and Budget in the Executive Office of the White House, will discuss the regulatory development process in the United States, highlighting provisions related to small businesses.
  • Shawne McGibbon, former Deputy Chief Counsel for Advocacy at the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and current General Counsel at the Administrative Conference of the United States, will discuss the role of SBA’s Office of Advocacy’s role in shaping regulation to fit smaller firms, principally though the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
  • Karen Harned, Executive Director, NFIB Small Business Legal Center, will discuss small business use of the courts to change regulatory policy.


  • Friday, October 7, 2011
  • 9:30 a.m.
  • GWU Business School, Duques Hall RM 108

Click here for the agenda.

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