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DoDMERB Medical Exam
The Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB) determines the medical fitness of all applicants to the five United States federal service academies. The names of applicants deemed competitive for an appointment to the Coast Guard Academy (or one of our preparatory school programs) will be provided to DoDMERB once they have completed the application process. Within two weeks, you will receive instructions from DoDMERB (or their contractor Concorde, Inc.) about how to schedule your medical examination.

Do not delay. Schedule your physical exam immediately upon receipt of your scheduling information. If your initial medical exam is not completed by April 15, or if you are not found qualified by June 1, your application may be withdrawn from further consideration.

You do not need to take a second medical exam if you have already taken one for another service academy or ROTC scholarship program. The medical exam is valid for two years, but you must submit a statement of present health and report any injuries which occurred since the medical exam date.