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04.20.2012 CAOC Acquisition and Small Business Excellence Awards .pdf
04.26.2011 Department of Veterans Affairs Standing Up The Strategic Acquisition Center: Recruiting Staff To Join the VA Team .doc
02.04.2011 Attracting Talent to the Acquisition Workforce OMB .pdf
02.02.2011 OMB releases “Myth-Busting”: Addressing Misconceptions to Improve Communication with Industry during the Acquisition Process OMB .pdf
01.27.2011 2011 Acquisition Excellence Awards Submission Template - Deadline Extended .doc
12.10.2010 2011 Acquisition Excellence Awards Information and Submission Template .doc
09.24.2010 Updated Guidance on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, M-10-34 OMB .doc
09.21.2010 U.S. Access Board Meeting U.S. Access Board .doc
09.14.2010 Accountable Government Initiative OMB .doc
07.19.2010 Improving the Accessibility of Government Information OMB .pdf
06.28.2010 Reforming the Federal Government's Efforts to Manage Information Technology Projects, M-10-25 OMB .pdf
06.28.2010 Immediate Review of Financial Systems IT Projects, M-10-26 OMB .pdf
06.08.2010 Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Guidance, M-10-19 OMB .pdf
06.08.2010 Identifying Low-Priority Agency Programs, M-10-20 OMB .pdf
05.04.2010 Holding Recipients Accountable for Reporting Compliance under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, M-10-17 OMB .pdf
04.06.2010 Combating Noncompliance With Recovery Act Reporting Requirements White House .pdf
03.16.2010 District Court ruling on appropriations provisions regarding the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now OMB .pdf
02.03.2010 Chief Acquisition Officers Council Acquisition Excellence Awards 2010 OMB .doc
01.11.2010 Second Planning Session for Acquisition Human Capital Plans OMB .doc
12.18.2009 Updated Guidance on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - Data Quality, Non-Reporting Recipients, and Reporting of Job Estimates, M-10-08 OMB .pdf
12.08.2009 Open Government Directive, M-10-06 OMB .pdf
11.20.2009 EO 13520 Reducing Improper Payments White House .pdf
10.07.2009 Improving Acquisition Data Quality for Fiscal Years 2009 and 2010 OMB .pdf
07.29.2009 Improving the Use of Contractor Performance Information OMB .pdf
07.29.2009 Managing the Multi-Sector Workforce OMB .pdf
07.29.2009 Improving Government Acquisition OMB .pdf
07.24.2009 Updated Guidance Regarding Communications with Registered Lobbyists About Recovery Act Funds, M-09-24 OMB .pdf
07.10.2009 Recent GAO Decisions Concerning Small Business Programs OMB .pdf
07.10.2009 Implementation of the President's Executive Order on Project Labor Agreements OMB .pdf
06.18.2009 Public Meeting on the Presidential Memorandum on Government Contracting OMB .pdf
06.01.2009 ARRA Contract Checklist RATB .pdf
04.08.2009 Improving OMB .pdf
04.07.2009 Interim Guidance Regarding Communications With Registered Lobbyists About Recovery Act Funds OMB .pdf
04.03.2009 Updated Implementing Guidance for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 OMB .pdf
04.02.2009 FAI Recovery Act Training FAI .pdf
03.20.2009 Ensuring Responsible Spending of Recovery Act Funds White House .pdf
03.11.2009 2009 CAOC and FAR Awards OMB .doc
03.04.2009 Government Contracting White House .pdf
02.18.2009 Initial Implementing Guidance for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 OMB .pdf
01.30.2009 Economy in Government Contracting, EO 13494 White House .pdf
01.30.2009 Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts, EO 13495 White House .pdf
01.07.2009 Acquisition Workforce Human Capital Succession Plans OMB .pdf
12.10.2008 Strategic Direction for CAOC's e-Gov & CAO Council .ppt
10.31.2008 The Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract Assistance Procedures Small Business Administration .pdf
10.30.2008 Report to Congress on FY 2008 Competitive Sourcing Efforts OMB .pdf
10.20.2008 FY 2008 Reporting on Green Purchasing Requirements OMB .pdf
09.17.2008 Issues Hindering the Application of Earned Value Management (EVM) on Contracts CAO Council .ppt
09.16.2008 Suspension of Applicants for Small Disadvantaged Business Program Small Business Administration .pdf
08.26.2008 SHINE Award Ceremony CAO Council .doc
08.18.2008 FAC-P/PM Exhibit 300 FAQs for Certification of Team Members PM Working Group .pdf
07.18.2008 Effective Practices for Enhancing Competition OMB .pdf
06.30.2008 Program/Project Management at NASA PM Working Group .ppt
06.24.2008 SBPAC Meeting Notes June 24, 2008 SBPAC .doc
06.06.2008 Improving the Management and Use of Interagency Acquisitions OMB .pdf
06.05.2008 IAE Program Algorithm and Contributions FY2010 CAO Council .ppt
06.02.2008 SBPAC Meeting Notes June 2, 2008 SBPAC .doc
06.01.2008 Project Management Working Group Charter CAO Council .pdf
05.20.2008 Conducting Acquisition Assessments under OMB Circular A-123 OMB .pdf
05.09.2008 Improving Acquisition Data Quality - FY 2008 FPDS Data OMB .pdf
05.09.2008 Integrated Acquisiton Environment CAO Council .doc
03.26.2008 Use of Advisory and Assistance Service Contract Waiver Authority OMB .pdf
03.25.2008 SBPAC Meeting Notes March 25, 2008 SBPAC .doc
03.11.2008 Guidance on Agency Fiscal Year 2007 Strategic Sourcing Reports OMB .pdf
03.06.2008 Guidance on Future Data Submissions under the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (Transparency Act) OMB .pdf
02.27.2008 CAO Council Acquisition Excellence Awards 2008 OMB .doc
02.20.2008 Competitive Sourcing Requirements in Division D of Public Law 110-161 OMB .pdf
02.04.2008 Use of Commercial Independent Risk Analysis Services Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA) OMB .pdf
12.05.2007 Performance-Based Acquisitions FY 2008 OMB .pdf
12.04.2007 Appropriate Use of Incentive Contracts OMB .pdf
11.28.2007 Appropriate Use of Brand Name or Equal Purchase Descriptions OMB .pdf
11.26.2007 Federal Acquisition Certification for Contracting Officer Technical Representatives OMB .pdf
11.09.2007 Guidance on Data Submission under the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (Transparency Act) OMB .pdf
10.31.2007 Report to Congress on FY 2007 Competitive Sourcing Efforts OMB .pdf
09.04.2007 Plans for hiring reemployed annuitants to fill acquisition-related positions OMB .pdf
07.10.2007 Veterans Technology Services Government-wide Acquisition Contract OMB .pdf
06.19.2007 FACE 2007 FAI .pdf
06.08.2007 Emergency Acquisitions Guide OMB .pdf
06.01.2007 Ensuring New Acquisitions Include Common Security Configurations OMB .pdf
06.01.2007 FAI Annual Acqusition Workforce Report 2006 FA .pdf
05.31.2007 Enhancing Competition in Federal Acquisition OMB .pdf
05.31.2007 Proud To Be on July 1, 2009 OMB .pdf
05.22.2007 Strategic Sourcing Progress OMB .pdf
05.22.2007 Using Performance-Based Acquisition to Meet Program Needs OMB .pdf
05.10.2007 Greater Washington Government Contractor Awards .pdf
04.25.2007 The Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers OMB .pdf
03.09.2007 Federal Procurement Data Verification and Validation OMB .pdf
03.07.2007 Skills Assessment of Contracting Professionals OMB .pdf
03.02.2007 Establishment of the Federal Acquisition Regulation Small Business Team OMB .pdf
03.01.2007 Service to America Medals .pdf
02.23.2007 FAI-DAU Acquisition Learning Seminar FAI .pdf
02.06.2007 Conducting Acquisitions under a Continuing Resolution OMB .pdf
02.05.2007 2006 ADR Awards in Acquisition OMB .pdf
01.24.2007 Contracting with Service-Disabled Veterans OMB .pdf
01.03.2007 2007 Ida Ustad Award GSA .pdf
11.30.2006 ESI International 2007 Contracting Award OMB .pdf
11.28.2006 2007 Elmer B. Staats Award OMB .pdf
10.04.2006 Review of Commercially Available Online Procurement Services OMB .pdf
09.26.2006 Reporting Small Business Contracting Information OMB
08.11.2006 • 2006 Federal Acquisition Regulation Team Award* OMB url
08.07.2006 • OMB Policy Documents* url
08.07.2006 • OMB Guides* url
08.07.2006 • OMB Memoranda* url
08.07.2006 • OMB Reports* url
08.07.2006 • OMB Other* url
07.25.2006 2006 CAOC Acquisition Management Team Awards OMB .doc
07.21.2006 Use of Performance-Based Acquisitions OMB .pdf
06.30.2006 Acquisition of Products and Services for Implementation of HSPD-12 OMB .pdf
06.28.2006 FAR Case 2005-033, Implementation of WDOL CAO Council .pdf
04.07.2006 Publication of Brand Name Justifications .pdf
02.10.2006 2005 Federal Acquisition Regulation Team Recognition Award CAO Council .pdf
01.30.2006 Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting Program OMB .pdf
01.25.2006 Best Practices in Managing the Workforce Inventory Development Process .doc
09.26.2005 Davis-Bacon Act and Service Contract Age Wage Determination and Related Statues .html
09.02.2005 Managing the Workforce Inventory Development Process .doc
05.20.2005 OMB Memo: Implementing Strategic Soucing .pdf
04.11.2005 Memo: Brand Name Specifications .pdf
12.07.2004 GSA Memo-CAAC Letter 2004-04, dtd. 12-27-04, Expiration of Price Evaluation Adjustment .pdf
09.07.2004 Memo CAO-PE Reporting Requirements .pdf
08.25.2004 DDM MEMO re: Timely and Accurate Procurement Data .pdf
05.12.2004 Commercial Techniques Memo .pdf
03.11.2004 Revised FAR Process Memo .pdf
10.02.2003 What You Always Wanted to Know About the New OMB Circular A-76, but Were Too Confused to Ask. (10/2/03) .doc
10.02.2003 Managers' Guide to Competitive Sourcing .doc
05.08.2002 • Hearings* url
05.08.2002 • OMB Procurement Circulars* url
04.11.2002 • Contract Management: Role and Responsibilities of the Federal Supply Service and the Federal Technology Service* url
04.01.2002 • Commercial Activities Panel Final Report: Improving The Sourcing Decisions of The Government* url
03.01.2002 • Executive Guide: Best Practices in Achieving Consistent, Accurate Physical Counts of Inventory and Related Property* url
01.04.2002 Innovations Reveal Ways To Save Time, Money. .html
01.01.2002 • Best Practices: Taking a Strategic Approach Could Improve DOD's Acquisition Services* url
12.03.2001 Contract Reform Proves Key in Fight Against HIV .html
10.10.2001 SBA Procedure Notice .pdf
10.10.2001 GAO's Small Business: Trends in Federal Procurement in the 1990's .pdf
10.01.2001 Incentives Do Not Have To Increase Costs .html
09.03.2001 Interior Is One Satisfied JWOD Customer .html
07.31.2001 Business Skills Central to Acquisition Success .html
06.04.2001 Status Helps CPO Improve Business Operations .html
04.11.2001 Mentoring Guide url
04.01.2001 Strategic Plan 2001-2005 .pdf
01.29.2001 Customers,Employees Help IRS Improve Practices .html
01.08.2001 Smart Shopping Precedes Off-The-Shelf-Buy .html
01.07.2001 Creative Procurement Solves Housing Problem In 1998 .html
12.11.2000 Taking on the Role of Senior Business Partner .html
11.06.2000 Key Skills Strengthen Role of Contracting Professionals .html
10.09.2000 SBA Targets Distressed Areas for Smart Growth .html
09.11.2000 Acquisition Institute Focuses On Training For Future .html
08.07.2000 Mint's Procurement Reform Not Just Small Change .html
07.10.2000 Intern Programs Help Recharge Work Force .html
06.05.2000 NASA Pilot Stresses Performance, Cost Savings .html
05.08.2000 Technology Aids Outreach In Program For Disabled .html
04.10.2000 Small Agencies Join Forces To Boost Clout .html
04.01.2000 Performance Measurement Handbook .pdf
03.13.2000 Innovative Contract Stretches Tight Budget .html
02.07.2000 Agencies Forge Ahead In Electronic Commerce .html
01.01.2000 Future Is Now For Agency Business Managers .html
12.06.1999 Social Policies Must Reach Beyond Quotas .html
Working Groups
  Acquisition Committee for E-Government
  Human Capital
  Interagency Acquisitions Working Group
  Multi-Sector Workforce Management
  Project Management
  Small Business Contracting
  Strategic Sourcing

Acquisition Community Connection

Defense Acquisitions University

Federal Acquisition Institute

Video - OMB Hiring Flexibilities and Strategies Seminar