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Airman & Family Readiness - Children & Youth

How caregivers can support children during deployment:
· Maintain routines
· Closely monitor television viewing
· Listen and discuss their feelings
· Answer questions honestly and dispel rumors (age appropriate information)
· Encourage communication
· Be reassuring
· Show on a map where (you think) the parent is
· Encourage deployed parent to send separate letters and email to the child
· Help children feel helpful
· Start a journal or draw pictures
· Use a calendar to track time
· Stay active and exercise
Check out, a DoD web site designed to help military children, their parents, educators and military leaders with school-related issues. The web site includes special sections for:

· Children 6-12 years old
· Teens
· Parents
· Special needs families
Youth Programs... to find information, opportunities and resources to support Air Force Reserve families, children and youth.
Help your children deal with deployment by:
· Making sure they feel loved
· Validating their concerns and feelings
· Being honest
· Maintaining routines
· Providing consistent discipline
What caregivers should know or have:
· Powers of attorney (including those for medical needs, information and access to DEERS, TRICARE, and medical/dental services
· Child's medical history and health needs
· Financial arrangements for caregiver and child
· Transportation and escort procedure. Letter of authorization for base access.
· Telephone numbers and points of contact for Airman's unit
· Information on benefits and services
· Will and guardianship provisions
What parents and caregivers should discuss:
· Personal routines
· School activities
· House rules
· Discipline
· Allowance
· Religious observances
· Communication with parent who is deployed
· How to answer questions about parent's absence and return
· Possible behavioral changes for children during separation

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