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GAIRMET field description

Field #
Field Name
Field Type
1 receiptTime The time the GAIRMET was received string ISO8601 date/time
2 issueTime The time when the report was issued string ISO8601 date/time
3 expireTime The time when the report expires string ISO8601 date/time
4 product The product code. Must be one of: SIERRA | TANGO | ZULU string
5 tag Tag identifying airmet sector string
6 forecastHour T+ hour forecast is valid integer hours
7 validTime Time at which the report is valid string ISO8601 date/time
8 hazard The hazard type. Hazard types can be one of the following: IFR | MT_OBSC | TURB-HI | TURB-LO | ICE | FZLVL | M_FZLVL | SFC_WND | LLWS string
9 geometryType The type of geometry associated with the report: AREA | LINE string
10 frequency Frequency of occurrence string
11 severity Severity of condition. NULL or one of: LGT | MOD | SVR string
12 due_to General description of why advisory was issue string
13 status Status of the report, such as normal, ammendment, etc string
14 altitude:max_ft_msl Height of top of feature integer feet above mean sea level
15 altitude:min_ft_msl Height of bottom of feature, 0 to indicate SFC, or -1 to indicate fzl_altitude is the bottom of the feature integer feet above mean sea level
16 fzl_altitude:max_ft_msl Maximum altitude of the freezing level integer feet above mean sea level
17 fzl_altitude:max_ft_msl Minimum altitude of the freezing level integer feet above mean sea level
18 level Level of occurrence integer feet above mean sea level
19 num_points Number of lon/lat pairs delineating the feature integer count
20 longitude Longitude of the delineating point float degrees
21 latitude Latitude of the delineating point float degrees

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Page last modified: April 30, 2012


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