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Medical Clinic
Phone: 860-444-8402
Clinic treatment hours are:
0700-0730 Sick Call (AD ONLY)
0800-1115 Appointments
1130-1300 Lunch
1300-1515 Appointments (EXCEPT WEDNESDAYS)

About the Clinic
The U.S. Coast Guard Academy and its predecessor, the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service Training School, have been provided with medical support by the U.S. Public Health Service since the turn of the century. The Coast Guard Academy Clinic is staffed by 11 Public Health Service officers, and 35 Health Service Technicians and civilian support personnel.

The Academy's Medical Clinic is located in Michel Hall, which is named for RADM Carl Michel, USPHS, the Coast Guard Chief of Health Services during World War II. The clinic is a medium-sized ambulatory care clinic providing medical services delivered by: 

  • family physicians
  • a physical therapy department
  • a dental clinic
  • an optometry services department
  • a psychiatrist

There is a 10-bed infirmary for cadets and active duty personnel with mild to moderate illnesses requiring overnight observation and/or treatment only. The ambulatory clinic provides service to about 35,000 patients annually. Our pharmacy fills more than 30,000 prescriptions each year. To contact the clinic sevices please call 860-444-8402.